chapter nine

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Lorenzo dropped his duffel bag down on the hotel room bed with a clump.He groaned and paced to the floor to ceiling glass windows beside his bed.Folding his hands behind his back,he surveyed the new town he had chosen to stay in.Almost clocking his 999th birthday, he had to move to avoid the risk of people finding out about his disconcerting immortality.
He sighed and moved away from the windows.Everyday was practically the same for him.
He groaned as he remembered the ceremony of the bonding of Zara Salazar,the vampire lord's sister.
There's a story about how the two were the only vampires to be born but Lorenzo just didn't care to know or want to even know about.
Today she was going to choose who she was to be bonded with at her 600th year birthday and on the day of the solstice,perfect day for a wedding and a birthday isn't it?
It was a hassle because of his statue and rank, it was mandatory for him to be present .Because you never know who her blood would be matched with.
"Little brat" he spat out.As he remembered her rumoured arrogant tendencies and unruly behaviour.Her reputation preceded her even all the way to his clan in Europe.
Let's just see how this goes.He was already feeling sorry for whoever was unfortunate to end up being her groom.Little did he know.
Transferring to a new city had never been easy but it was something you tended to do a lot when you've lived almost a thousand years old. The only different experience about this move was he had never chosen to settle down in this part of the continent. But he had brushed up on information about the place on the plane ride by a too eager American woman who chatted away excitedly about the perks and benefits of living in America.
He found the young woman compelling but too talkative for his taste. He was attuned to shy, well behaved brunnette even though it was obvious the woman wanted to take their relationship further which Lorenzo politely shut down.
  As soon as he'd landed, he had gotten a mass text sent from an untraced IP address  about the upcoming birthday party of the infamous princess Zara Salazar. It was encrypted of course, a bunch of gibbersh spam text to the untrained eye but as a vampire it was easy to spot the real from the fake.
'shit! ' he inwardly cursed.
He didn't need this kind of detour especially when he had business to take care of it but as a highly prestigious member of the Vampire society, he was obligated to attend. And he knew he wouldn't be able to get out of this. By now the news of his arrival would have spread and he didn't like to disappoint.
"that brat! "he spat out as he got of the elevator, scrolling through his phone while the courier accompanied him trailing behind him with his luggages.
He had heard unrelenting tales about the obxnious ,wild and uncultured princess of the New York clan. The story surrounding her and her brother's appearance was one too much for Lorenzo. He wasn't interested and hence had never paid any attention to such gossip.
He thought back to the party he had to attend, he decided to attend if not for the princess least to witness who the unfortunate bridegroom was going to be.
He smiled at the thought. This ceremony wasdefinietely going to be entertaining and one worth watching.
He headed to the shower to get freshness up and headed downstairs to speak with the hotel management about some changes he needed to get altered before he came back later tonight. As a esteemed guest,it was no surprise that they agreed to all his orders. He called a limo service and was set for the ceremony. He got into the limo and headed for the ceremony.
                                            *     *    *    *   *
The first thing he had motivated  when he arrived at the massive event center was the massive piling in if people of every shape, size and colour. Both young and aged, all vampires.
He straightened his suit and headed for the VIP entrance. The bouncer at the door didn't even have to look at his board, he recognized Lorenzo right away.
"Right this way sir"the excited burly vampire said gesturing towards the entrance.
He signaled another man at the door who also picked up on his identity.He hastily ushered him in. Walking past the shocked expressions of the faces of the other guests they had walked by. He recognized some big name faces as well and smiled back. He glanced around to find that almost everyone came accompanied by their plus one. He didn't put much thought into what the social norms were all he cared about about was getting this ceremony over with.
He thought back to the tempting offer made by the waitress at the hotel bar he had popped in hoping to get some drink to soothe his nerves. He had deliberately turned down the lady's request mostly because he wasn't up for dealing with the exchange he would be forced to make had he come with a candy in his arm. He preferred to do this solo.
He shoke out of his mental musings quietly following the path his guide had paved for him.
"My Lord! "he looked up to see an older looking man heading towards him.
Great, more interactions! He thought dryily.


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