chapter thirteen

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Zara just stood there frozen. Her heart in pieces. He had never said those words to her,never.Not even when she was responsible for the death of the trainees death, not even when she had been caught hunting again after that incident, not even when she had been responsible for their parents death...
In all her whims her brother had been patient with her but now, just because...
She took a step back and bowed her head to reorganize her thoughts but she backed up to Lorenzo's chest. She turned realizing that he was the only one still  standing there.
She cleared her throat to speak.
"I'll like to excuse myself,if you don't mind"She requested as confidently as she could.
Lorenzo nodded and stepped to the side to grant her entry into the room. As soon as he closed the door she brushed past him snoring headed straight for the bathroom.
She stayed in the bathroom all night long, running the shower head and letting the running water muffle out her cries. Drained and tired,she headed to bed where she curled into a ball and slept.
                                       *     *     *     *     *
Lorenzo awoke the sound of shuffling of feet He opened his eyes, groaning at the unwelcome intrusion of light through the glass panels windows. He turned to see who it was that was trying to disturb his sleep. When his eyes collided with that of a middle aged woman,who had on a warm smile and didn't seem to be s vampire. He could perceive the metallic scent of the human blood running through her veins.
She bowed.
"Good morning your highness, sorry for waking you. I was Instructed by the princess to tidy up the room.
The woman explained. He nodded in acknowledgement.
He could sense that there was a strong bond between the two, her and Princess Zara. So she could still feel. A connection with someone, he thought in disbelief. The events of last night came playing into his mind.
The intrusion by that unbridled woman, Zara being boxed in and her brother's disappointment.He saw the immense look of shame on the young king's face when he found out what Zara had done and he understood. Who wouldn't be ashamed. He thought.
When the spoilt brat only thinks about herself  and no-one else. He shuddered to think how he was going to start cohabiting with her. He was going to make temporary arrangements.
He had only agreed to the marriage because he didn't have the immeasurable resources that the palace had to track down his dead fiance's killers.
Where better to get the information he needed than at the heart of the palace where all records were kept. Watch clan had it's own storage and he was cause that the Vampires he was looking for were part of his clan. All he needed was information that could be used to track them down. The only con to this plan was he was going to have to get along with the princess if he wanted unlimited access to all parts of the palace. Her position must granted access to every part of the palace. But interaction with the princess was an unnecessary burden he thought grimly. What a stroke of bad luck he had. Judging from what had transpired last night, the princess was going to be more than a handful for him.
He heaved a sigh. And turned to see the middle aged woman still watching him. He turned to scan the room which was filled with decor of hearts and garlands that had corroded the entire room. It must have been her pathetic idea. He shook his head in disappointment.
He couldn't even breathe properly last night because of all the stench of lavender that filled the room last night.
He threw back the covers and got out of bed, putting in the robe that laid on the bedside rack. He shrugged it on. Then turned to the woman who was busy picking up the scattered rose petals on the table. She seemed to be humming a song but he couldn't identify what music she was singing for the life of him. And frankly, he didn't care. He cleared his throat to bring her attention back to him.
"where's the prin...i mean my wife"he cringed at the word.
"she went out early this morning to work. She said to inform you that she would be late for dinner"he nodded taking in the information.
'perfect'he thought just what he needed. He strode into the bathroom to take a bath, to prepare for his first day at the palace.
                                            *  *  *  *  *
Zara groaned and cracked the kinks in her neck and fingers. She had cramps from typing and working all day. As the CEO of a multi-million dollar company that dealt in beauty from the market of cosmetics to skincare. She didn't get to take any breaks at least until the brand had been finalized and until her honeymoon plans were set in place granting her a right cause to take a leave, until then there was no law binding her to not work off her stress.
   From being rejected to getting yelled at yesterday,she had had just about much than she could take for one day and needed to blow off some steam. And she knew that hunting was out the question, it was the period of werewolf mating and it was suicide to be seen at the woods during this season. Especially since they were mythically sworn enemies.
She let out a tired sigh.
She yawned as she walked through the hallways. What she needed right now was a warm bath and sound sleep.
"where the hell have you been?! "she stopped in her tracks.
She turned to see her brother standing behind her with his face in frown. She deduced he was clearly annoyed. She let out a resigned sigh. What did she do now? She thought tiredly.
She didn't have the energy or time to defend herself or argue with him so she ignored him and kept on walking.It was no surprise when he popped in front of her with super speed,she arched a brow and took the stance of impatience.
"Don't tell me you've been working"he asked through gritted teeth irritated.
"Okay I won't "she replied sarcastically.
"watch your tone, little sister"he said in warning.
She flung her arms up expaseration.
"what is it you"she drawled out the last word.
"I want to know why you went to work and left you husband all alone in the palace a day after your wedding?"he questioned.
She scoffed.
A husband who didn't want her.She rubbed away the ebbings of a headache that was forming. Running a hand through her hair. She faced her brother squarely.
"Can you please stop? "she said frustrated.
"stop what? "her brother asked confused.
He let out a bitter laugh.
"Lorenzo is a big boy and he can take care of himself. Besides, I made sure that he had someone with him before I left. "she replied.
"That isn't enough. This is a time for you to bond"he punctuated as if he were talking to a naughty child.
She scoffed. Again.
"I don't have time for this"she interjected hastily and brushed past him carrying on on her way.
Her brother watched her walk away shaking  his head sadly he weent in the opposite direction.
Zara arrived just in time to see Lorenzo strolling into the room, his hands placed low behind his back.
He looked to be deep in thought. As soon as he picked up her light footsteps he turned to see her heading towards them. He scanned her fave and noticed the tiredness that haunted her cute moon shaped eyes.
  Almost her facial features, he noticed for the first time beautiful physique. Not quite surprising to him because he knew for someone as active as her she had to have the figure to compliment.He recalled the incessant yapping of the palace courtmaid that had  been assigned to him as his guide.
She had kept on talking on and on about Zara in extremely high regard.Although for the life of him he didn't believe a word that was made out to be about her. He secretly scoffed everytime he heard something quite unbelievers about her. But nonetheless, he paid keen attention to everything the woman had told him. He had learned so much about the princess.
Apparently,the princess had graduated too in her class in Business management and had voluntarily undergone military training  even when she wasn't obligated to.He found that a rather intriguing piece of information but he let the narrator go on uninterrupted. He had also discovered that she had single-handedly built a multi-million dollar cosmetic company from the ground up.
Before that she had worked as an accountant in one of the best law firms in spain.But had had to give it up to return back to the palace and assume her role as a princess.
And the tales went on...
The rest of the evening was filled with Zara tales. He groaned at the memory of being filled with Zara..
He watched as she took a step forward toward them and stared deep into his eyes. She paused. She was the first to speak.
"How was the stroll? "she plastered an awkward smile not quite reaching her eyes. He observed.
"it was refreshing to say the least"he eyed the older woman that shrugged her shoulders beside him as all eyes fell on her.


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