chapter 8

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The unsuspecting woman walked with massive intent along the dimly lit hallway. Zara watched from the shadows as the woman looked to the sides to ensure that no-one was around.satisfied to see the emptyness,she proceeded into the dark office.
Zara moved to go closer but retreated backwards as a blonde, big chested woman's little older than her walked past,.Repeated the same action as the previous woman to ensure that the coast was clear the. She proceeded into the office as well.
Zara waited.Soon after Denna came bursting out of the door, with a light in her steps as she smiled all the whole way out. When they coast was clear,she headed for the door and made her way in.
  The woman turned abruptly, hugging the huge envelope to her chest.
"Who are you? "the woman asked  backing into a corner on her own accord as Zara took a step closer.
"Me?.."Zara trailed off.
"...that's a tough question. But you know what? Let me tell you a story"she quipped.
The look of fear on the lady's face disappeared to that of berating assessment. She scoffed.
"You must be mad"she mumbled.
She tried to sidestep around Zara who moved to block her path. The woman sent her a sideways glare. Zara chuckled. Irritated now, Eleazer slammed the envelope onto the table and scoffed in disbelief.
"Okay, let's hear what nonsense you've got to spew.Go on, let's hear what you have to say."Eleazar challenged.
Zara eyes caught on the name tag attached to her left breast pocket. It read 'Camile Eleazar' in bold Gothic letters.
"Camile..."Zara said absently.
She smiled. And narrated.
      "Let's  get this straight, not all legends you hear about the creatures of the night are true.
Those were stories told by our ancestors given to delude humans into thinking  that they had a fighting chance or as I would politely put it 'an upperhand'.
To make them believe that if ever a war broke out between us,that they could win."
She scoffed.
"But now,we no longer live in such...delusion.We no longer hide in the shadows like cowards or kidnap human as our personal walking blood banks.We are more sophisticated than that.To think that we would live by those barbaric means."
She paused.
"You couldn't even tell us apart from humans. We don't burn in sunlight anymore thanks to the invention of the blue diamond.I'll admit we sometimes get drained by the sunlight just when we haven't had anything to eat for so long But eventually it passes, we are rejuvenated at night and we are almost what they could call 'invincible''.She turned and smirked behind her shoulder.
" The society we live in now has changed drastically over the years but we still are as we are immortal."
The woman scrunched her face up in confusion.
"Why are you telling me this?" She asked.
Zara grinned.
"Because you won't be able to remember the last two minutes of our conversation".
The unknown woman scoffed in disbelief.Wanting to humor her.
"So you want me to believe that you're what,a..."she asked in disbelief.
"...a vampire. Yes"Zara interjected.
"you know what the funny thing is,that you wouldn't be able to remember what this conversation was about"Zara quipped. She just  kept on smiling.
" And why would I do that?"the woman asked rudely.
Zara slanted her head to the side and replied,
"Because you'll be dead."
Those were the last words she said before pronouncing her fangs.The woman gasped in horror and tried to scramble away but  it was too late.
Zara was standing before her in a blink of an eye.
She smiled and unleashed hell.


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