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May 2, 1998.




It was all apart of the sick twisted game Voldemort had just to kill Harry, whom had just returned to the castle from destroying horcruxes.

Elodie hadn't eaten, slept, or even looked at Fred or anyone she loved in the eyes for weeks. She was pale and was starved.

It had gotten so bad to the point where Fred had put her on bed rest and fed her himself.

But that night, that night was different.

Elodie had gotten out of the tiny space her and Fred stayed at a few miles away from Hogwarts.

She knew they wanted all the help they could get while going against Voldemort.

She didn't expect her graduation years to be so harmful.

It was time. The time when wands were raised, dark spells and even stronger counter spells were being casted. Elodie had stayed in the Great Hall until it was time for their plan to go into action.

Imogen was going to take a hippogriff around flying for a matter of transportation and to fight back anyone who tried to attack from atop. Fred and George were alongside Percy, battling for the lives of the innocent wizards and witches.

While Elodie, was supposed to guard the younger students not able to leave school.

A first year asked her if she was scared, and Elodie had replied with,
"Fear is only a word. But my feelings right now are much stronger."

The twins had raced in to check if everyone was alright. Elodie nodded, and a single tear fell from her eye.

"I'm not doing too well, Freddie."

"I know, darling."

George had insisted he watched the younger crowd while Fred took Elodie through a back way outside to remind her it'll be okay. Elodie finally budged, and they ran out through a set of heavy doors. Percy had spotted them and ran over to them, and dragged them both back to the front instead of allowing them alone unprotected.

Elodie's hands became sweaty and her heart was racing. She looked at Fred who had a mean, daring look on his face.

They had once again became apart of the chaos, wands at the ready, and Elodie panicking more than ever. Her mom was just 50 feet away, also dealing with this alongside McGonagall.

Percy had looked over his shoulder, and yelled some sort of strict joke.

Fred's focus was on Elodie, but as soon as he heard the line that came out of Percy's mouth, he immediately snapped his head towards his brother.

"You actually are joking, Perce ... I don't think I've heard you joke since you were —"

Green light spread all throughout their direction.
Fred had spiraled back, about 15 feet in the air, and thud to the ground. Elodie let out an ear piercing scream, running towards his side.

His pulse was gone.

Percy had grown furious and had fought even harder, especially towards the wizard that had just murdered his brother.

George had raced out the second a second year ran up to him, saying,

As soon as George spotted Elodie, He sprinted.

Before he reached them, another bright flash of green.

Elodie had collapsed right next to Fred.

The battle was over.

Imogen still hadn't known. She was immediately rushed to the hospital wing, as her leg was almost casted off.

Her mom and Charleigh broke down.

Everything was lost.

Elodie had woken up, in the same little bedroom she lived in that summer she moved across from the field of the Burrow.

"You're awake! Finally!"

A familiar voice said.

Elodie adjusted her eyes, and looked up.
She felt like crying, but all that was in her was joy.

She breathed out.

Her and Cedric had walked downstairs to see everything Elodie's ever achieved and loved.

"How are you- How did I-?"
Elodie began.

Cedric's face fell.

"I was just at the batt-"

She paused.


Cedric hugged her for the first time in years. It was warm.


Elodie turned around, revealing a glowing Fred.

She rushed to him and indulged him.

"I'm so sorry love. I let us down. Our future. Your business. Your family."

Fred had smiled at Elodie. And kissed her forehead gently.

"I love you, flower."

"I love you, Freddie."

And they had both realized their futures had come to a sudden end. They lived a good life. They were the golden couple. They were cherished by many.

They were endgame.

Especially for they had ended hand in hand. Fred had already seen Elodie in a gorgeous white dress.

He had already given her some sort of ring.

He had already made her his world.

She was his golden sunshine on the cloudiest of days.

The end

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon