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Elodie was freshly showered. She had her regular sweater and shorts pajamas combination on, and her hair was wet. Elodie had moved all the flowers to her bathroom where a vase of water was.

Elodie started to lay down, reading her muggle book. Imogen was still in the library, with Cedric. Elodie was to innocent to be thinking of where they were. But Imogen, her mind was more mature in that way. She knew what everything was, the birds and the bees and everything. Not that her and Cedric were doing anything of the sort. Imogen knew she was too young, but she still wanted to hang out alone with the guy she liked. She thought she was ready for that.

Elodie had fell asleep, wand lit up and book opened on her chest. She looked very peaceful.

Imogen had came back around an hour later, blushing from her time with Cedric. She knew Elodie wouldn't be awake, so she would have to tell her everything in the morning.

Both girls had now fallen asleep.

February 14, 1990

Elodie had woken up, rather early. She woke up before the sun, surprisingly. She had gotten out of bed and walked over to the small window by her bed. The sky was grey, no sunrise to paint the sky yet. Elodie had an urge to go outside. She prepared to go. She put her hair into her signature low messy bun. To make it interesting, she braided a strand of it and tied it back into the bun. Of course, leaving baby hairs out.

She put on the mint sweatshirt Imogen had given her last month, and put on a pair of her mom's old jeans. Elodie's boots were also of course, the shoes that put it all together.

"Teeth are brushed, I'm dressed, changed, hair is done... What am I forgetting?" Elodie whispered to herself. "Lipgloss!" She whisper yelled. She grabbed her yellow box with a blue ribbon on it, and opened it to find her lipglosses sorted. "I'll do peach mango today." She said. She put the box back under her sink and walked down to the ground floor of the castle.

"Alohamora" Elodie whispered, pointing her wand at the gate lock. It clicked open, and she slowly walked out of the castle. She ran through the courtyard, past the quidditch field, towards Hagrid's and met with a sleeping Clara.

Elodie had stepped on a leaf, and the crunch made Clara awake. "Shhh,, it's okay, it's just me." Elodie said, putting her hands in front of the unicorn's face. Clara had calmed down, immediately. Elodie smiled and asked if she could pass through. Clara nodded, and Elodie walked to her tree. Instead of sitting down, she decided to go for a walk.

"Hi, Lupo!" She whisper-yelled. The wolf from earlier on in the school year had appeared, along with his pack. Elodie stayed calm as best as she could. The other wolves had started growling. Lupo howled, and they stopped. Elodie smiled, and asked permission to go up to him, which he granted.

The sun had started to rise, and Elodie was finally sitting by her tree. She decided to go back to the castle, so that it doesn't look like she went missing.

Elodie had returned back to her dorm, as if she wasn't gone for two hours.

Elodie was yet again, reading. Imogen had woken up. "Morning, Gen." Elodie called out. "Morning, El." Imogen replied through a yawn. Elodie had closed her book, putting the bookmark through and stood up. Imogen had just finished getting dressed.

"Ready?" Elodie asked. Imogen turned to her, "For what?" She asked. "Breakfast, hello?" Elodie said. Imogen laughed at her, and said, "Darling, you're not allowed to leave today."

"Then how how am I gonna eat?" Elodie asked. "I'll bring you food, of course." Imogen replied. "Why can't I get it myself?" Elodie asked. Imogen thought for a good enough reason, and shook her head. "Actually...I have no bloody idea."

They made their way down to the Hall, sat at their table, and began to eat. It was Choice of Seat day, so a few people from different houses were scattered all over. Luna had actually asked to join Elodie and Imogen today. They gladly accepted.

"I hope the house elves made pudding." Luna said, in her normal dreamy voice. No one at all mentioned anything about pudding, but it was Luna's favorite. As soon as she ended her sentence, the breakfast had appeared. And there was, in fact, pudding.

Fred and George had just walked to the Hall, as well. George spotted Elodie and pointed at her, whispering to Fred. Fred's eyes widened and he walked towards Imogen. He bent down to her ear, "I thought you were going to keep her in the barrels today!" He whispered. Imogen looked up at him, yanking his shirt so she could whisper in his ear, "You never told me a good enough reason as to why she couldn't leave. It's only breakfast!" Imogen yelled.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, Happy Birthday, Luna!" Elodie exclaimed. She smiled at the blonde, and Luna smiled back. "Thank you, Elodie. It appears as though not many people have remembered. Instead they have all remembered Valentines." Luna replied. Elodie smiled at her, and pat her shoulder.

Elodie turned around, to see Fred and Imogen whisper yelling at each other. "Hi Freddie?" She said, confused on why he didn't say hi to her. He shot up, and immediately looked at her. "Hey, Ellie." She started laughing at how he looked so scared. He ran back to the Gryffindor table where his brothers were.

"What was that about?" Elodie asked Imogen. "Uhh, he needs my help with charms." She improvised. Elodie let out a hum sound, as if she believed Imogen. "Weird. Fred is passing charms." Elodie said, turning towards Imogen with a smirk. Elodie starred Imogen's soul down, and Imogen starred back. A few moments later, she broke.

"Merlin! Fine. Elodie, you need to stay in the Hufflepuff common room or our dorm or whatever today. Like all day. Please." Imogen breathed out. Elodie giggled. "Please?" Imogen repeated. Elodie agreed, out of annoyance, and had started to walk back to the barrels.

"At least I got you." Elodie said, turning to her puffskein as she fell back on her bed. This was going to be a long day.

It was around 5 pm, and Elodie was about to go downstairs to see if anyone she was close to would bring her dinner.

"Melvin! Melvin! Hey, could you bring me back some dinner? I'm not allowed to leave the barrels and no one else is around." Elodie said. The older puff nodded, giving her a small smile and walked off. She decided to lay on the black couch in front of the fireplace. She was fidgeting with her ring, again. It got too quiet, and boring. Elodie had walked back to her dorm to get herself one of those muggle coloring books. She had colored 'pencils' which were way smaller than quills. She began to fill in blank spaces on it.

Melvin had showed back to the common room, where he spotted the little Hufflepuff. He handed her a plate or steak, mashed potatoes and green beans, with a water goblet full of pumpkin juice floating behind him. She put her hand up and it summoned to her hand. "Thank you, Melvin." Elodie said. "No problem, Jian." He said with a smile and walked off.

Elodie was just finishing up, and Imogen walked into  the dorm, smiling widely. Elodie looked up, smiling back, mocking her.

"I'm going to get you ready." Imogen said, pointing her thumbs towards herself. Elodie starred at her Imogen, chewing the last bite. "What?" Elodie said, with her mouth full. "Charming." Imogen said. She made Elodie stand up by grabbing her arm and bringing her to the bathroom. "Do you have the mascara your mum gave you?" Imogen asked. Elodie thought about it, and grabbed her wand. She pointed it to her trunk, "Accio Mascara." Elodie said. The trunk opened and a tube of mascara had flung out, going to Elodie's hand. "Yep. Still got it." Elodie said. Imogen laughed and grabbed it, putting it on Elodie.

Imogen had just finished putting Elodie's hair into a pretty half up-half down style, of course with her flower crown. "I think you should wear this white dress." Imogen said, holding up the same white dress Elodie wore on her birthday. She smiled and agreed.

After Elodie was done, hair, lipgloss, pretty attire, she looked immaculate. Golden hair, golden skin, shining smile.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now