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Elodie had just woken up. She didn't Remember falling asleep, but she must've after her mom asked for her help with some organizing.

She had these new white curtains hanging by the big window, which she very much enjoyed. She saw the tall grass, the water, the sunset, and the roof to the burrow from it. Her and Yvannah decided to invite them over for dinner tonight, as a thank you for telling them about the house. They were going to absolutely love it there.

"Okay Stanley, send this to Molly." Yvannah said, and the owl was off. Their front door was divided into two, so the top of the door was open. He flew through the door and went into the burrows direction. She was currently cooking some dinner for tonight and Elodie was reading a muggle book in her room, on her beanbag chair, nothing new.
Yvannah decided to watch some muggle tv as she waited for the timer to scream at her when dinner was ready. Because unfortunately, that's just how a wizards timer worked. All of a sudden, she heard a crack. And the once empty fireplace in front of her was full with him.

Yvannah jumped and yelled, "Elodie, stay in your room. Don't come down. Do you hear me?" She heard a very faint yes. "Thomas, what in the name of Godric are you doing here?" She asked. "I've come to announce, that me and Rachel are getting married. Christmas day. We've decided on it because, well, she's been carrying my baby boy for three months now. I wouldn't want you or...that child to think I'd be coming back." He spat. Yvannah's eyes began to water, thinking about all they had together. "You left me. You cheated on me, Tom. You abandoned your daughter. Her name is Elodie. Not 'child'." Yvannah began to yell, getting worked up.

Elodie's POV:

I heard a loud crack from the living room, so I thought maybe someone floo'd in, or apparated. I was about to go check it out, before my mom yelled at me to stay put. I started pacing, then I heard my dad's name. I froze. But at the same time, I wanted to listen, so I silently made my way to the top of the staircase where she wouldn't see me. He told my mom he was on his first son. Someone he would love more than me. I began to cry, but I couldn't make any noise, so I covered my mouth incase I were to make a noise. It got to the point where they were screaming at each other. I put my hands over my ears so I wouldn't have to hear, and began to think of a plan. I heard my mom scream one last time, "I LOVED YOU!" and I ran downstairs and out the door. Not caring if anyone saw me. I ran as fast as I could towards the burrow. Then I bumped into someone, hard.

"Oh my- I'm so sorry." I said, clearly crying and couldn't see, but I knew it was a redhead. He was much tinier than the twins, so I had no idea who I was looking at. "It's alright. I'm probably the one who caused it. I was eating instead of looking." He said. I began to giggle a little, because what he said was actually funny. He looked up at me, and just starred for a little. I felt kind of awkward, so I asked for his name. "O-oh,, right. I'm Ron Weasley." He said, he seemed to be proud of his name because he smiled brightly when he said his name. Ron. Of course he was Ron. Fred and George would always talk about him to me. I smiled back and said "Hi! I'm Elodie. Your brothers are my friends from Hogwarts. I was on my way to your house, actually, before I... y'know..ran over you." I said laughing. His eyes widened and he said something, but I couldn't understand him. He had food in his mouth. Before I could ask him anything, he ran. He motioned me to follow and we were now standing in front of the burrow.

It was super tall, and magic kept it from falling over. It was brown, on the inside and out, and their door was the same position ours was in. I was finally at the famous burrow. "Oi! Mum, where's George?" Ron asked. Molly pointed upstairs and went back to cooking. He told me to follow him and he went up to a door. He opened without knocking and George was clearly upset by that. "What the bloody hell, Ronnikins?" I heard. I started laughing as you showed yourself to him. George looked at me and was so surprised. "Elodie!!" He yelled. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. "Hi." I said smiling. He let me go and said "Fred should be outside, didn't you see him? He said he was going to practice a little for quidditch." He said. I shook my head no, then we all went outside.
We didn't see or hear anything until we heard a broomstick fall on the other side of the house. George and I looked at each other and ran. We then saw Fred sitting up, scratching his head.
"FREDDIE!" I said, running up to him to tackle him in a hug. He fell back with me, and I started to laugh. "What a nice surprise" Fred said, out of breath. I immediately shot up and said sorry. He then got excited and tackled me this time. We were laughing then heard Molly yell dinner was done.

Guess I'm staying for dinner.

"So, Elodie darling, I got your owl about your mum's dinner. We'd love to go!" Molly said. Elodie was currently eating a lot of mashed potatoes. She looked up from her plate and nodded with a smile towards Molly. She was sitting between Ron, Fred, and Ginny. Across from her was Bill, who was just visiting that night, across Ron was Percy, across from Fred was obviously George, and across from Ginny was Charlie. Molly and Arthur were sat at the ends of the table.

After dinner was over, Molly was cleaning up in the kitchen and told Fred to walk you home, since he was coincidentally the first boy she saw. George was no where to be found and Ginny was too young. Ron was also somewhere outside. "Okay.." Fred said, his eyes wide and his ears turning red. "Hey Elodie, my mum wants me to walk you home, is that alright?" He asked. She smiled and responded with "Of course." They opened the door and began to walk towards Elodie's house.
"So how do you like break so far?" Elodie asked, breaking the silence. She looked up at him from her feet and found he was already looking back at her. She smiled and he returned it. He finally said, "Yeah, It's alright. Georgie and I have been pranking some family lately. We got Ron so good the first night back. Replaced his pillow stuffing with spiders. He went absolutely mad!" Fred said, laughing at the memory. Elodie nudged him a little, responding with "Freddie! That's mean!" But, at the same time, even she was laughing slightly. They finally got to her house, and all the lights were off. They could still see, though, because of all the stars above them. "Well I should start walking back now. Goodnight." Fred said. Elodie reached up for a high five, replying to his goodnight, then went inside.

She shut the top part of the door and locked it all together. Now, she really couldn't see. She didn't have her wand, so she couldn't use it for light. Then, the kitchen light turned on. Her mom was standing there, mascara stains on her cheeks, hair a mess. She had been crying. Elodie ran up to her, hugging her and Yvannah broke down again.
"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'll never let him hurt us again. I don't know how he found us. I'm sorry." Yvannah said through her tears. "It's okay, mom. It's gonna be alright." Elodie said. She walked her mom to bed, knowing how tired she must be. Yvannah crawled into her bed, Elodie pulling the covers over her mom. She kissed her mom's forehead. "Night, momma." She whispered. She shut her mom's door, walking back to her own room, and tucked her own self in. This was going to be a long Christmas.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang