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Elodie sat around the fireplace in front of her couch, starring at it while sipping her hot chocolate. She was the only one awake so far, considering it was almost six in the morning.

She heard a bang outside the living room window, making her head snapped back. She fought the urge of staying wrapped up in her blanket on the wood floor and got up. She walked by the kitchen island and put her mug down, walking towards the door.
She walked out and found George squatting by the side of the house.

"George?" Elodie quietly called out. He turned his head and his eyes widened. "E-El.. hey." He stuttered.
"What are you doing here? It's five o'clock." Elodie said, walking over to him. "Um, well.." He began.

"I couldn't really sleep, I had a thought that kept lingering and I went downstairs and saw your spoon wasn't grey so I knew you were awake, so I sort of snuck out to talk to you." George said. Elodie labeled a confused expression on her face, and wrapped herself more into her blanket. "What's up, Georgie?" Elodie asked. He looked down at the ground, a little nervous. "Georgie?" Elodie said again. She didn't want to wait all morning.

"I think I'm in love with Luna." George said, ears turning red. Elodie felt a warmth within her, and she smiled excitedly. "Awh my Georgie is all grown up." Elodie said, putting her hand on the side of his arm. "Shut up." George said, smiling down at her. "Are you gonna tell her?" Elodie asked. "W-well that's sort of why I'm here, I don't know how." George said. "The famous George Weasley can't tell someone something? Never thought I'd see this day." Elodie said.
"Are you just going to rain bloody hell on me or are you going to help me?" George asked as they began to laugh.

"Give her flowers, she always puts them in her hair so maybe give her one she's never seen before, but don't poison her, George. I'm not gonna lose both-" Elodie said smiling, until she realized what she was about to say. Her expression fell, and she froze up. George didn't feel awkward, he felt bad. He knew what she was about to say, so he just hugged her.

"He loves you, El." George said, putting his chin on the top of Elodie's head. "I've never seen him so mad. Especially with himself." George added. When Elodie didn't respond, he pulled away and looked down at her. She was numb, no tears, no sobs, just a blank expression.

"I miss him, Georgie." Elodie finally said. "I know." George said. Yvannah walked downstairs and saw them hugging outside. She got excited because she thought he was Fred. She ran out to the door, calling out for Elodie.

"El? What are you doing up so early?" Yvannah said, smiling at George, still thinking it's Fred. "Oh, George came over to tell me something. I was already awake so I just came out here." Elodie said. "Oh, oh! Okay. As you were." Yvannah said, putting it together and walking inside embarrassed.

"Yeah, I'll um, do what you said about Luna." George said, about to walk back to the Burrow. "Georgie." Elodie called out. "Ellie."
"Make sure he doesn't beat himself up too much." Elodie said. George smiled. "Yeah, I'll do that." He replied and walked off.

Elodie laid in bed for a minute, contemplating if she should shower or not. Charleigh was already downstairs and breakfast was made, but Elodie didn't feel like eating. She didn't feel like showering, either. She wanted sleep. A lot of it, even if she wasn't tired.

"El go shower you stink." Charleigh said. Elodie turned her head to the tiny child standing in the doorway.
"Oh yeah?" Elodie asked. "Mhm." Charleigh said, nodding. Elodie weakly chuckled, and got up. "You convinced me." Elodie said.
"Good." Charleigh said, walking downstairs.

Elodie felt the warm water against her skin. She wanted to talk to him so bad. She wanted to feel him again, and to kiss him felt heavenly. She missed him more than it came off, and everyone around her told her that it doesn't sound like him at all. Playing prank after prank, sure. But playing a girl is something he wouldn't even think about doing. She was surprised Molly hadn't buried him alive yet. Or maybe she has and that's why she hasn't heard or seen him.

The water now made her hair fall with the water, thinking about how he would run circles on her hand when they walked hand in hand. Or how he would play with her hair because "it looks so soft."
How he would get bored and send her those notes in class that had one word in them, maybe even a weird drawing in them. How his pinky would grab hers tightly in the Great Hall when he would feel too surrounded at times, using her as his anxiety relief. They needed each other.

Fred's body was now fully under the water, thinking about how she would start giggling or smiling when she got hyper and made funny noises. How she would read to him as he laid in her lap, looking up at her and admiring how concentrated she was. He missed how she would jump into his arms every morning when it was a good day, and he would hug her back tightly like it was the last thing he'd do. Or when she would get back from the forest with Luna, telling him some nonsense about a creature he's never even heard before, but just listening because he knew it made her even more excited about her interests when others cared. Fred missed how they were when term started, how he snuck out to walk her around the castle while she did her rounds. How he told her he loved her.

This was living hell.

Elodie stepped out, wrapping her hair and body into two separate towels, and walked downstairs grabbing a piece of toast. She looked out the window and saw Charleigh swinging on the swing hanging from the tree above the lake, and remembered how in second year Fred returned her lipgloss before they started dating. She looked down at the spot her ring would be, but saw nothing there. Then she remembered she took it off as well as his own ring from the chain, and sighed. Elodie went back upstairs and threw on some yoga pants and a sweater. She decided to write to Imogen.

"Dear Gen,

I miss you. I hope you and Ced are having a fun Christmas together! Isn't that so exciting? Does your mom and dad like him? Seriously let me know everything.

Charleigh's papers should be here Christmas eve, so the plan for her will be in place on Christmas. I ran out of mint shimmer, can you believe that? I need new lipgloss.

George came over earlier this morning and said he loved Luna and I haven't stopped thinking about it. Hopefully he tells her soon. They're good for each other.

Fred hasn't left Casa de la Elodie's mind yet. I don't know why I put it like that, sorry. If I offended your hispanic nature I apologize and please insult me back if I did.

Love you,
El x"

Elodie mentally face palmed at her weird spanish wording. She thought it was funnier in her head. Oh well. It was already sent.

"Hey, El, I know you don't want to hear this, but.. we're still going to the Weasley's on New Years and they might come over Christmas eve night." Yvannah said. Elodie's stomach dropped. "Oh, okay." Elodie said. "Okay." Yvannah said.

Elodie decided to go write more poetry. She ran upstairs and sat in her giant beanbag chair.

"I can't help but love you, even though I try not to. I can't help but want you, even though I keep on trying not to, I will wait for you."

"Maybe, you and I will fall in love."

"I don't want our tide to fade away, how did our time disappear without a trace?"

"And if the sun starts setting the sky grows cold, then if the clouds get heavy they start to fall."

"I'd never believe you if three years ago you told me I'd be here, writing this poem."

"In the world where change doesn't happen, it's you and I, just for a while."

"I love you."

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now