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That next morning, Elodie decided to go for a walk. But not just a casual one with Dashur around the meadow near her cottage,

one to a place where she hasn't been to in a while.

Elodie slipped on some white sweatpants and a yellow hoodie, because of the frosty air outside, she knew her favorite yellow one would keep her the warmest.

Elodie stood outside of her front door, waiting to apparate, before she heard a leaf crunch from behind her.

"Hey, Ellie!" Fred said, wrapping her in a hug.

"Freddie? What are you doing here?" Elodie asked with a smile.

"I woke up earlier than normal..super weird.. but I also looked outside my window to see a tiny little yellow dot walking outside of her house." Fred explained, pecking her lips.

"Did you wanna go somewhere?" Elodie asked, looking up at him.

"Are you mad? Of course I want to go somewhere!" Fred replied, fixing the beanie on his head.

Elodie smiled at him, grabbing his hand and apparating.

Before Fred's eyes, was a field. It had a small wooden bridge, and golden sunflowers that the winter sun lit up to make the bright yellow nature even more saturated than they already were.

"Ellie..what is this place?" Fred asked, in complete awe.

"This...is..well, I'm not too sure. My mom used to take me here all the time growing up. I haven't been here since my 11th birthday." Elodie told him, looking around at the familiar nature.

"It's beautiful." Fred sighed.

"Yeah, I've never really told anybody about this place. Mainly because the forest replaced its purpose, helping me feel free." Elodie said. Smiling at him.

She grabbed his hand, walking to the wooden bridge that had a beautiful small stream flowing beneath it.

"I also..sort of..brought a poem book under my hoodie." Elodie giggled, laying her head in Fred's lap as he sat 'criss cross'.

"Oh I don't even doubt it." Fred said, smiling down at her.

"I actually picked this one up in the muggle studies section at Flourish and Blotts. Some guy called 'Walt Whitman'. I fell in love with this book last year, but haven't picked it up since." Elodie said, turning to the 'Author's Quotes' page.

"Let's hear some." Fred said, starting to play with the messy hair Elodie let down.

Elodie began skimming through the few pages of quotes.

"Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.

I exist as I am, that is enough.

To die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier."

Elodie read.

"Who'd you say this bloke was again?" Fred asked.

"Walt Whitman?" Elodie said.

"Ah. Okay." Fred nodded, and they continued to stay in that position, just reading the poetry from the muggle book, just enjoying the cold, but warm winter sun against them.

"No! No, nope. You can't, take that back!" Elodie fought, apparently her and Fred began bickering about their opinions on Whitman, saying how he's too muggle like.

"But, it's true! Dad would LOVE this book." Fred said laughing.

"I bet he would. What's not to love?" Elodie asked giggling.

She sat up from his lap, turning to look at him in the eyes.

"I don't know..what's not to love?" Fred gently asked, looking directly into her eyes.

Elodie blushed, and put her forehead to his.

"I love you, Fred Weasley." Elodie said.

"As do I, Ms. Jian. Very much so." Fred replied, interlocking his hand to hers.

He brought her head more closer to his, from the back of her neck.

Her lips pressed to his, their eyes fluttering closed.

She moved to sit on his lap, making them even more closer than before.
Accidentally, she moved her hips at an angle. Only for her comfort, not to make it worse for him.

"El. Stop moving." Fred panted.

"Why?" She asked, just as breathless as he was.

He grabbed ahold of her hips, making them stay still. Elodie's innocence then faded, realizing why.

She gasped a little, about to get off and apologize.

"No. It's fine." Fred said, pulling her back in.

'I enjoy this'

"Do you?" Elodie asked, a small smirk on her face.

"What—" Fred grew red, remembering her legilimency.

"I did, too." Elodie replied, going in for another long, passionate (lustfull), kiss.

They made out there, on the creaky old wooden bridge in the middle of a sunflower field that went on for miles. How truly beautiful this was, and the fact that Elodie and Fred started to begin experiencing more..was even more beautiful. They gained each other's trust and got more than comfortable, so now the coming of age actions that they were slowly building up on doing, started to become a dream come true. Fred enjoyed this field, and his girl, of course. He was so happy that he scored hard with her. She was so unattainable, but somehow he did accomplish on getting her for himself. It blew his mind how phenomenal this girl was. From babies, to animals, to even the darkest of people. She still trusted and cared for everyone. If you were a living thing, Elodie liked you. Even the ghosts that protected Hogwarts at times were deeply cared about by Elodie. Everyone had a place in her life, friend, acquaintance, teacher, classmates, etcetera.

Oh how the tail of Fred Weasley and Elodie Jian was so  real for them, but so ethereal to everyone else.

And it shall continue on that way, forever.

Well...until forever falls apart.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now