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Fred came out of his dorm, George saying something that made him laugh. As Elodie was waiting for the perfect time, a first year pointed her out.

"Oi! There's a hedgehog in the castle!" He yelled. Everyone looked down at her. Great. All attention was on her. She ran towards the twins, and they jumped back, not knowing how to handle it.

"Bloody hell, Georgie it's looking at me!" Fred yelled, jumping behind George and holding him as a shield.
Elodie continued to run towards his feet, and he would keep running. She stopped, getting a little bit annoyed with him. George scooped her up, and placing him on Fred's shoulder as a joke, knowing he would be terrified, but also wouldn't move because he didn't want to hurt her.

Everyone sort of settled down, continuing on with their lives. "George, get it off." Fred said, the tone in his voice made Elodie want to laugh.
"Alright, alright." George said, but before he could grab her, she jumped off and turned back into herself.

George and Fred both grabbed each other, they were scared of what just happened. "Your shoulder is comfy, Freddie." Elodie casually said. Fred pulled Elodie into a hug, a very blank expression on his face, with a mixture of confusion.
"Why are you an animal." Fred said, backing away from her. "Luna and I are now Animagus!" Elodie said, right as she unintentionally turned back. Fred watched her sink down, still not processing everything. A minute later, she turned back.

"I'm sorry, I don't really know how this entirely works yet." Elodie said, sucking air through her teeth.

"Did you just say- my Luna-you turned my girlfriend into a hedgehog?!" George asked. "No, bimbo. She's not a hedgehog. And she WILLINGLY joined me throughout this two month process. And if you see a rabbit just casually hopping around, it's her." Elodie said smirking. She changed back into her hedgehog form as she saw the trio walk through the doors. And just like that, she was gone.

"Two months? Is that why she hasn't kissed me or ate for two months?" Fred asked George. George just shrugged, and they walked back up to their dorm.

The next few days have gone by, same old stuff. Break would be starting next week, and Elodie couldn't be more excited.

Elodie was walking around, just wondering about the castle. Harry and Ron then stopped her. "Ron! Harry! Where's Hermione?" Elodie asked.

"We sort of..did some polyjuice potiom experimenting and hers went wrong. She turned into a cat and won't stop coughing up hairballs in the hospital wing." Harry said. "What on Earth did you use polyjuice for?" Elodie asked.

"We turned into Crabbe and Goyle, just seeing if Malfoy had anything he wanted to say about the heir of Slytherin." Ron said. Elodie nodded and smiled. "Impressive." Elodie said.
They then started walking down more hallways. They got to the top of a staircase, and saw a puddle. "Um.. what's this?" Elodie asked. They ran through the hallway in which it was coming from.

"Looks like Moaning Myrtle flooded the bathroom again." Harry said. They walked into her bathroom, and saw all the sinks were running. They heard soft moans, and Elodie pointed, looking up.

They looked up, and saw Moaning Myrtle sobbing on the top of the circular window near the ceiling. She stopped, sensing they were here. "Come to throw something at me?" Moaning Myrtle said. "Why would I throw something at you..?" Harry asked. "Don't ask me. Here I am, minding my own business , and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me." She said.
"But, it won't hurt if someone threw something at you. I mean, it'll just go right through you." Ron said. The ghost flew right up to his face.
"SURE! Let's all throw books at Myrtle because she can't feel it! Ten points if you get it through her STOMACH." Myrtle yelled, punching through Ron's stomach. "Fifty points if it goes through her HEAD." Myrtle said, now air punching Ron's head.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt