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March 31, 1990

Elodie and her little squad has gotten way more closer since Valentines. Luna and Cedric had been hanging out with them a lot recently, too. Imogen and Cedric had decided to start 'dating', which Mcgonagall and Dumbledore call it puppy love. They were young, and liked each other. Everyone around them believed it was very cute to watch, as well as thought it would be nice to see young kids like them explore feelings.

Imogen has turned 12, and Cedric gave her 12 notes total to the classes she wasn't doing too good in. Four for charms, three for potions, two for transfiguration, two for defense against the dark arts, and one for her best class, herbology.

Secretly, Hagrid and Snape's, yes, Professor Severus Snape's, favorite to watch was Fred and Elodie. She lit his eyes up like he was looking straight into a fire. While they watched the same fire from him burn her heart, making it all warm and safe inside. Snape stopped giving Elodie the slight bad looks he used to give her at the beginning of the year. He thought she was kind, mature, gentle, and hard working. Snape saw every other student, as every other student. With the exception of Elodie and Luna, of course. They didn't hate him, like he would hear the other students bicker about. He admired their respect.

Elodie and Yvannah had wrote each other many letters just for shits and giggles. At the beginning of March, Yvannah had sent her a letter that just had one sentence. They were close like that.

As for George and his obnoxious older twin brother Fred, they had received three howlers from Molly. In two months. The twins had became very popular because of their pranks, jokes, humor and well just because twins were fun to look at.
Elodie was also known. She was known for handing everyone a flower every time she passed by them, or just smiling while skipping. There were haters, of course.

She would get called things like "Air head", "weirdo", "carrot top's lover", etc.

Especially Luna. Elodie felt like Luna had it worse, which is why she never let the words get to her. Elodie would try her best to humble Luna every day. Luna would get her name butchered on purpose for "Loony." It was horrible. Those girls were too good for this world, and many knew it.

"Good morning, El." Luna said, approaching Elodie and Imogen. "Morning, Luna!" Elodie said, smiling at Luna. "Your smile looks lovely today. Just like yesterday, as well as tomorrow." Luna said, in her airy voice. Elodie laughed, thanking her. Imogen had greeted Luna with a hug, and Luna hugged right back. Luna really loved hugs, but no one hardly ever gave them to her.

The ladies walked to the Great Hall, and separated when Luna had to go to Ravenclaw's table. Elodie and Imogen had returned to the table they had gotten used to. It was always Imogen on the Right, Elodie on the left, and Cedric in front of them, Somewhat like a window formation.

"Ugh thank merlin they have bacon today." Imogen said. Elodie laughed at her. They ate the usual, and a thought came to Elodie's mind. More of a reminder than a new thought.

"It's the twin's birthday tomorrow." Elodie said, turning to Imogen. Both girls' eyes widened and they began spitting out ideas on what to give them, what to do, etc.

"Maybe we should give them knuckle sandwiches." Elodie said, holding up both of her fists. Imogen laughed at her American term. "Honestly El, you should take your American weirdness to Ilvermony." Imogen said, laughing. Elodie laughed too, and said "But my dad's british and I live here now, plus they rejected me."

The girls had settled down and finished eating. They started walking to their first class together. They had charms and were excited, because Professor Flitwick loved the two girls. He gave them the most tips to difficult spells and charms.

"Hello students, good morning. Today we'll be learning a very easy spell. This spell I should've taught you all at the beginning of the year, but hadn't because..well.. I wanted to jump right in to more complexed spells. Now that your first year is coming to an end, I shall teach you more relaxed spells." He began. "This spell makes objects levitate. You can pick things up with your wand. Now please repeat very clearly after me." He cleared his throat. "Wingardium Leviosa." Flitwick added.
"Wingardium Leviosa." Everyone joined in. The whole class was very focused.

"Great! Now pick up your wands, please. Each and every one of you have a white feather in front of you. Aim your wand at it, use the motions just taught, along with the spell." He added. Soon, the class was filled with students attempting to get it right. Imogen was flinging her wand, aggressively because she couldn't get her feather in the air. "Gen, stop. You're going to take someone's eye out." Elodie said, grabbing Imogen's wrist. "Go on, you do it then." Imogen huffed. "Okay." Elodie said. She turned her attention to the feather. With her wand, she pointed it towards the white object in front of her. "Wingardium Leviosa." Elodie started, as she swished and flicked her wrist. The feather started to lift up, making everyone's head turn. Elodie didn't break eye contact. But, she did use her elbow to nudge Imogen.

"Goodness, me! Ms. Jian has done it!" Professor Flitwick said.

Elodie smiled proudly

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Elodie smiled proudly. She was proud of herself, for getting another charm for the first time. Everyone clapped, and Imogen rolled her eyes playfully at her friend.

"What do you think is for lunch?" Imogen asked. "I hope there's pudding." Luna said, skipping up to them. "I can second that." Elodie said. The girls walked to their assigned tables, and ate. There was pudding, to Luna's satisfaction.

"I haven't seen Fred all day, I'm gonna go see if he's at the table." Elodie said, standing up. Imogen just nodded and went back to eating. Elodie stood up and walked to Gryffindor's table. She spotted two red heads, and ran up to where they were sitting.

"Boo" Elodie said, putting a hand on each of the boys' backs. They both jumped, saying "Elodie!" in an annoyed tone when they found out it was her. She laughed and apologized. "I hear it's someone's birthday tomorrow!" Elodie said, putting jazz hands up. George grinned, ear to ear, while Fred just kept eating, nodding.

They talked for a minute or two, and Elodie decided to get back to the Hufflepuff table. She stole Fred's dinner roll and ran back to her table, Fred getting up and chasing her all the way back to her seat. She sat down and he grabbed her last apple slice. Elodie's eyes widened and her mouth turned into the letter O. She gasped and he smirked, turning around and running away. Imogen witnessed what had just happened, and laughed.

"Oh no, that apple thief." Imogen said, laughing when Elodie gave her a look. The girls both started laughing.

"I think I'm going to make them a card, wouldn't it be funny if I made them a card and then put nothing in it?" Elodie said. Her and Imogen were sat in front of the fireplace in the common room. They were sitting on the floor while Cedric laid on the couch. "I think I'll do that, and then later on give them a quidditch book I found in the library during the first month of school." Elodie added.

"I'm just going to hug them and tell them Happy Birthday." Imogen said, laughing.

"Night, Gen." "Night, El. Don't go too crazy tomorrow, please."

Little did Imogen know... Elodie wasn't going to sleep for a few more hours.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora