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The last few days of Elodie's summer break had come to an end. She was now waking up and about to get ready to go to King's Cross Train Station, in London, England. She had to apparate a few blocks down so muggles didn't see her. An owl had dropped off her Platform 9¾ ticket off the night prior.

As Elodie woke, she saw sunshine out of her window, birds were singing, and she smiled. It was the day. It was the day Elodie would finally set foot in one of the most famous schools of magic. Hogwarts.

"Are you up, flower?" Yvannah yelled from the kitchen. Elodie sat up and rubbed her eyes. Her hair had fell out of the low ponytail she put in before bed, and put the hair tie on her wrist. She walked into the kitchen and said, "More awake than yesterday morning." She said, smiling. Her mom handed her a piece of buttered toast and Elodie bit into it, walking back towards her room. She shut her door and walked into her closet. She set her toast down on her dresser and looked through her clothes. She tried to get a somewhat appealing outfit, but knew she'd have to change into her robes, anyways. She picked out a white shirt that had lace on the arms and bottom hems. She chose just a regular jean skirt with black leggings that went just below her knees, and of course, her favorite brown ankle boots. She put her hair into a messy braid, just so it would be wavy by the time she got to Hogwarts. She grabbed the last of her toiletries and put them in her trunk, grabbed the trunk itself, and rolled it to the door.

"We should get going now, train leaves at 11:00, not a second later." Yvannah said, rushing to grab her hand. Elodie held onto her trunk in one hand and her mother's hand in the other. "Forest by King's Cross Train Station." Yvannah said, clearly. They landed by a field of trees, almost a forest, but not as open. They started walking towards the train station and grabbed a trolly by the entrance. "Alright love, you walk through the barrier and you'll be on the platform, got it?" Yvannah said, bending down to Elodie's level and holding her hand out to her face. "Yes mom." Elodie said, smiling. A few muggle strangers caught Elodie's smile, and had to stare for a while. She kissed her mom bye, even wiping a tear with the pad of her thumb. Yvannah didn't want to let go, but wanted to so her daughter could get the experience. She let go for the last time, and her daughter was off.

Elodie ran straight through the wall separating platforms 9 and 10, and found herself in a whole new setting. There were witches and wizards everywhere, and she was amused. She walked her trolly up to the Train's man and he put it on the side of the train in a compartment. She walked up the steps into the train and walked till she saw an empty corridor. She found one, almost in the very back, and took a seat. She sighed to herself and looked out the window. She saw 2 familiar redheads run through the corridor, and a bunch of other ones come right after. She was amused, 'was the Weasley family THAT big?' she thought. She saw four taller looking men, which might've been their older brothers and the oldest looking one must've been Mr. Weasley. Of course, she recognized the twins, and one more little redheaded boy. He was way shorter than Fred & George. Then attached to Molly's hip was a little girl. She had super short red hair that went down to her shoulders. They ran towards the train, thinking they were late, and she watched the family separate from the four boys.

Elodie turned her head once she heard knocking on the corridor door. She turned fast, and instantly softened once she saw the twins. "Uh, may we? Everyone stole the other corridors, and we know you." George asked, pointing to the bench. "I don't mind. I was expecting you, anyways." She said, smiling her famous smile at them. "Wicked. Thank you." They said, at the same time. "Wait, what do you mean expecting us?" Fred asked. He had a concerned look on his face. Elodie laughed at him and said, "Well, I watched you come onto the platform from the window, and hoped you'd be looking for me." She said shrugging.

"Here we are!" They said at the same time. Elodie giggled at them being in sync. "Do you always do that?" She asked, they looked at each other and shook their head yes at the same time. Once again, their actions made her laugh. Fred started blushing, his ears even turning a bit pink. They felt the train start to move, and parents and families waving to their child's window.

"Anything from the trolly, dears?"

They heard the woman call from the hallway. "Mum packed us a lunch...we shouldn't." George said. Fred looked down and frowned. Elodie saw their faces and looked back to the woman, waiting for the kids' responses. "Uh, maybe 3 of everything?" Elodie shyly asked. The woman nodded and grabbed 3 of every snack she could get. "Wicked" The twins said. They ate, laughed, and eventually they had to change.
Elodie shut the blinds on the window and the tiny window on the door.

"Are you planning on killing us?" Fred asked. "Not today." Elodie said, looking at them. "Could you guys turn around please, I'm gonna change into my robes since there's a long line to the bathroom." Elodie asked politely. The twins turned red and turned around. She gave them permission to look now, and she sat back down. They made her do the same, so she laid down on her hands and closed her eyes.

They were all dressed and about an hour later, the train had stopped. They were finally at Hogwarts.

"Oh my- ARE WE ACTUALLY HERE?" Elodie said, standing and running to the front of the train. The twins tried to follow her, but she was already off the train and waiting impatiently for her trunk. She looked at every detail she could at Hogsmeade. The man told her she could now follow Hagrid, and he had checked her name for her trunk.

"First Years! Follow me! Right this way!" A very, very tall man with long hair and a long beard yelled. Elodie smiled and ran up to him. He smiled down at her and looked back up to the students swarming around him. They began to walk towards the black lake, and were introduced with boats and a lantern. She had stepped into a boat, and a hand grabbed her elbow. "Woah, careful Freddie." Elodie said, grabbing him in return for his balance. 'Freddie'. She called him by his family nickname. He turned red and stuttered out a 'Thank you'. George followed right after, and soon enough, their boat had stopped by a deck, right in front of the castle they now called home.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora