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Elodie has been writing to the twins, letting them know all about Germany. They've been letting her know, well, about the usual festive moments the Weasley's would have. Each letter made the three miss each other more in person than anything. They would write to her every time they pulled a prank, every time they wanted to say they missed her, or when they were just bored in general. She would write to them when she, too, got bored, when she missed them, and responding to all their craziness. One particular letter stood out to her. It was from George. Elodie had no idea why he would tell her, especially over letter. He needed to tell her as soon as he could, because he himself was excited Fred told him.

"Dear El,

Fred's currently in the shower, so I thought I'd do a solo Georgie letter. He'd brutally murder me if he found out that I was telling you. The other night, we were just laying in our room and we were both awake I guess. I heard him say my name, and so I said his. He told me he needed to tell me something, so I listened.

Basically he told me that he liked someone. He didn't tell me a name, but he just said someone. He also said that he didn't want to ruin his friendship with her and how she made him feel. Love bogus, blah blah.

I think it's you, though. Cause the only other two people he hangs out with that are girls are Imogen, who's taken, and Luna...well. Unless he has something to tell me and he likes Cedric or Lee.

Speaking of Luna...I think I like her, though. If Freddie told me he liked Luna I'd hex him. Well, he's going to get out soon. I just thought I'd let you know. We don't know for sure who it is, whether it's about you from him, or to some random girl from him or to someone random from someone random that he thought about. Also, when you reply, act like you're just writing in. Wouldn't want Freddie finding this.

See ya soon,

Elodie laughed mostly throughout the entire letter. Her heart skipped a beat. If it was about her, wouldn't that be exciting. She went to go grab her
quill, and began to write back.

"Dear dumbos,

Miss you guys, like a ton. Can't wait to go back to England for the last part of break to see you two. Oh! Something amazing happened! I grew one and a half inches! I'm not 5'4 and a half! So ha! You can no longer question my height of 5'3.

Aunt Hadley's is beautiful here. She has a phoenix farm! It's so weird! She breeds them and wizards and witches in need of them will trade her their valuables or just sells them for a certain price. Pretty cool.

She also makes these cool flower crowns like I do, but for your ankles and wrists. I made like eight of them.

I'm bored, wanna go home,
-El x"

Fred opened the letter, pretending to be both of them. He did this a lot, but George didn't mind. He secretly knew, but didn't budge. He knew Fred like Elodie, but didn't want to push it. Fred did say Elodie's name that night. George just wanted him to tell her himself. So, as a good twin brother and best friend, he started to meddle.

"Give this to Elodie, please, Errol." Fred said, putting the envelope in the bird's mouth.

"Dear El,

Wicked! Phoenix's tears heal almost everything, or so I've heard. This is Fred by the way. I'll have George write when he comes downstairs.

How are you doing, though? Are you happy over there? I would be. You've got your mum and your aunt. Pretty wicked stuff. I'm doing okay, miss you. Ron isn't really the same with eating the chicken wings. He stops at about 3. But you go on like it's Merlin's business.

Come home so George and I can hug you again.
-Just Fred, for now."

"Dear Just Fred,

I miss you guys, too. But no thanks. I'll only be hugging Georgie. And Ron. And Ginny. Maybe even Percy, because he can't hit me like he hits you guys. Yeah, I'm great! I have seen so many muggle stores. It's incredible. Maybe even picking up on some German.

George, please stop your brother from writing.

"Give this to George, please." Elodie said, giving her Aunt's owl the letter. She hooted and flew off.

Elodie went to go take a shower, smiling at the jokes and names they have been calling each other back and forth over the letters. No one really knew, but Elodie had started doing some poetry. She brought a journal with her everywhere. She wrote how she felt into a creative manner, and enjoyed it. When she was scared, she would write scary/haunting poems. She didn't think she would tell anybody about her poems. It wasn't a secret, though, either. If they found out, they found out.

New years eve came fast, and Elodie was packing her trunk. Today was the day she would go home, see her favorite people, and begin to get ready for another winter at Hogwarts. She was ecstatic to see Imogen, too.

"Ready?" Yvannah asked, leaning against the front door. They had said goodbyes earlier on, and Elodie grabbed her mom's hand, and the apparated back to the cottage. Elodie smelt the familiar smell of freshly washed laundry, a hint of cinnamon and the faint smell of hyppogriff's feathers. She was now home.

"Dear F+G,

Go outside in exactly 5 minutes.

Thank yew,

Elodie slipped the letter into her household's owl, and sent it off. Elodie hurried and brushed her hair, and putting a new coat of lipgloss on.

"Mom I'm going outside real quick, I'll be on the Weasley's side of the hill." Elodie yelled. She heard mother five her approval from upstairs, and she headed out.

There they were. As Elodie ran down the hill to the Weasley's side, she saw their red hair. She screamed and ran faster, them seeing her and running towards her, too.

They didn't realize that all of them running towards each other like that was a bad idea until they were all on the floor, practically dog-piling Elodie. "Hi." Elodie said. "Hi." The twins said in unison. She started laughing, and hugged them from the ground.

"I knew you couldn't stay away from my hugs." Fred said, wrapping his arms around her. "I'm not hugging you, my arms just happen to be around your body." Elodie replied. "Ugh, gross." George said, standing up. Fred and Elodie laughed, and he helped her up. "Coming over tonight?" Fred asked. "Wouldn't miss it." Elodie said, smiling up at him.
"You don't look like you grew an inch." Fred said, putting his hand on her head and moving it, comparing her height to his. She barely reached his chest.

"Oh whatever." Elodie said, moving away to George's side. "I'm the superior twin." George said, wrapping his arm around Elodie. "Always." Elodie replied, wrapping her arm around his torso.

They walked until they reached the front of the Burrow, telling them she's going to go home to get ready.

Tonight was going to be a night of many traditions.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon