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Elodie's eyes shot open, as she gasped for air, leaning her body upwards. She was breathing heavily, not remembering where she was. "Elodie.." Harry breathed out. Elodie turned around, facing him. Her expression went soft, seeing blood and dirt all over him. "Harry." Elodie also breathed out. "It was me. but I swear, I didn't mean to. Riddle kinda made me..and..Harry..you're hurt!" Elodie exclaimed. She looked at Harry's open wound from the tooth stab.
"Don't worry. Elodie, you need to get yourself out. Follow the chamber, you'll find Ron." Harry said. They heard Faux, yet again, crowing through the air as he flew back into the chamber. He swooped down, landing next to Harry.
"You were brilliant, Faux. I just wasn't quick enough." Harry said. The bird looked down, crying. The tears landed into Harry's wound, sealing it closed.

"It's over. It's just a memory." Harry said, looking up at Elodie. They smiled and hugged each other.

Hagrid and Dumbledore were released from Azkaban, apparently Lucius threatened everyone who signed the petition for Dumbledore to move out.
Elodie went home for Christmas, and turns out, Morgan didn't come back for Charleigh when the date arrived. Totally okay with Elodie and Yvannah, though. Of course, the group who must not be named all shared their New Years Eve kisses with their dates. Imogen's 15th birthday was super fun, because they were finally old enough to go to Hogsmeade and party. As well as Luna's, George's, Fred's, and even some random Ravenclaw invited them out.

Elodie's summer went by very slowly, which, thankfully meant she got more time off with family and Bruin. Elodie's 15th birthday was at the lake by the Burrow, and they all went swimming and even snuck the tiniest amount of Fire Whiskey for their first time drinking.

Elodie had Ginny spending the night with her and Charleigh, and the next morning Elodie would go over to the Burrow to get her Hogwarts letter. It was a routine for her to now go over and open it at the Burrow, since Errol would always bring it.

"Can you do my hair?" Charleigh asked. Her speech has gotten better, and she was now 5.  Ginny adored her, like a little sister while Ginny was in the middle and had Elodie as a big sister. "Yeah, if Elodie does mine." Ginny replied. "Sure." Elodie said, smiling.

They all had matching braids, as Elodie had to do her own. 

"Oh my goodness you guys look adorable. Hang on, I'm gonna go get my camera." Yvannah said. Ginny and Elodie laughed.

Yvannah snapped the picture of them in braids while all wearing matching pajamas. "Charleigh, love, have you written to mom at all?" Yvannah asked. "No.." Charleigh said. Morgan was her biological mother, but deep down Yvannah felt that Morgna didn't care just as much as Thomas. Elodie gave her a small smile, rubbing her back. "Well for now, we share both a mom and a dad." Elodie said, smiling bigger at her sister. Charleigh was affected by her smile, making her smile.

Ginny and Charleigh went to go get all tucked in, while Elodie wrote a goodnight letter to Fred.

"To my boy,

When I'm of age, I'm adopting Ginny. I love her too much. Sorry, not sorry. We're going to bed now, so I wanted Errol to give you this for me before you went to bed because I know for a fact you're still awake.
Goodnight, Freddie.

Sweet Dreams,
-El x"

She sent her owl, Stanley, to go and hand it to Errol. Elodie went upstairs, walking into her room to find Charleigh passed out while Ginny was still trying to get comfy.
"Oh, Gin, I can sleep in Char's bed if you aren't comfortable on the side." Elodie said. "Oh, no, it's your bed. I should be fine." Ginny said. "No, go ahead. I have eternity to sleep in that bed alone." Elodie said, giggling. She slipped under Charleigh's covers, and clapped. The lights went out, and everyone went to bed.

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