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"He's using you."
"How dare you! Besides, I can take care of myself."
"Doubt it. He's way too old."
"Yeah! 'S what I think."
"You KNOW the solution then, don't you?!"

Elodie heard Ron and Hermione's argument all the way up the stairs, but they didn't know she was following them.

"Go on." Ron said, not knowing what the 'solution' Hermione played was.

"NEXT TIME THERE'S A BALL, pluck up the courage and ask me before somebody else does. AND NOT AS A LAST RESORT." Hermione screamed, tears running down her face.

"Well, th-that- that's- that's just completely off the point!" Ron said, walking away still as Hermione stood there. Frozen as she watched the boy she just spilled her heart out to, now regretting it.

"Harry." Ron stopped, hesitantly saying Harry's name and Hermione shot her body around to look.

"Where have you been?!" Hermione spat.
Harry turned to point around, opening his mouth for absolutely nothing to come out.

"Never mind. Off to bed, both of you." Hermione said, her voice still creaky.

Harry shot Ron a confused look, as they began jogging up the stairs.

"They get scary when they get older." Ron loudly spoke.

Elodie cringed, as Hermione forcefully turned towards them walking up the stairs.

"RON YOU SPOIL...EVERYTHING." Hermione yelled up at him, trying to slow her sobbing down.

The exact moment Ron and Harry walked up the corner stairs and out of sight, Hermione collapsed to the stairs. Letting her sobs out, crying all of her sorrows away.

Elodie knew it was her cue to rush to her side, watching as the girl forcefully tore her heels off of her feet.

"Oh, Mione, I'm so sorry love." Elodie said in awe.
"He's STUPID." Hermione let out.

Elodie wrapped her arm around the back of Hermione's neck, gently forcing her into a hug. Hermione stopped fighting, and just let the pain wash over.

"Mione...Do you like him?" Elodie asked, more in a statement than a question.

"No, El, I just happened to yell at him because I felt like it." Hermione sarcastically said into Elodie's shoulder.

"You still look beautiful." Elodie jokingly said, making Hermione giggle a bit.

"Tell me about Krum." Elodie said, changing the subject.

Hermione sighed happily.

"He was lovely. He danced like he was mental, but when the slow dances were playing he was gentle. And when he offered to get me drinks and snacks he'd always do it after every dance, knowing I was absolutely dying of thirst." Hermione explained.

Elodie let Hermione ramble on and on about her night, whatever made Hermione happy and kept her mind off of Ron.

Then Hermione started to gently cry again.
"Hermione?" Elodie asked, looking down at her.

"Then Ron just had to spoil it. Padma told me as we walked in together Ron was mocking us the entire entry dance." Hermione explained.

Elodie sighed, and Luna and Imogen walked out whispering and giggling. Until they saw Elodie and Hermione.

"What are you lot doing down there?" Imogen asked.

"Cmon, girls. Mione needs us right now. I say we let her sleep with us in the common room tonight, Luna you're obviously joining us, too." Elodie suggested.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant