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Elodie leaned against the wall, waiting for the twins to be released from detention. Elodie's heart beat was racing. She was really about to do this.

"I'm never talking to Snape again!" George whispered, "And I'm only gonna pull more pranks on him. Dim witted teacher." Fred added, rolling his eyes. Elodie straightened, tucked the necklace into her robes, and was now standing in front of them.

"El!" They said in unison. "Hi guys!" Elodie said. "What are you doing just standing around?" George asked. "Well.. I uh.. wanted to tell Freddie something.." Elodie said. Fred's eyes widened. George smirked. "I'll be in the Great Hall with my girl friend then." George said. "I'm gonna tell her you called her that." Elodie yelled after him. "Better not!" George said, turning to face her as he walked backwards. Elodie laughed at him, and turned back to Fred.

"Hi." Elodie said. "Hi." Fred replied. "Um..well I wanted to show you what I did yo your ring!" Elodie said, pulling the chain out from underneath her robes. His eyes opened, "Wicked! That's cool." Fred replied, smiling. Elodie returned the smile. "So what was it you needed to talk to me about?" Fred asked. Elodie's heart almost fell out of her body. It was racing and her palms grew sweaty.

"Uh..just that." Elodie said, smiling up at him. "Oh, okay." Fred replied quietly. "Yeah..." Elodie said, turning her head. They started walking back to the Great Hall.

"Actually, um. There was something." Elodie said, stopping in her tracks. Fred followed her actions, stopping with her to turn and give her his attention. He hummed, telling her to go on. She looked down at her feet. "Fred, I uh." Elodie choked. She cleared her throat. "I...like you.." She said, scrunching up her face as she cringed, still looking down. His heart was now racing, faster than it was before. Finally.

He grabbed her chin, pulling it up so they could make eye contact. Fred looked at her, from eye to eye. Then, down to her lips a few times, but mostly eye to eye. He leaned in, attaching their lips.
Elodie now knew what feelings were. She was ecstatic. Their hearts felt for one another.

Just two teenagers, exchanging their first kiss in the middle of an empty hallway in a castle that was used for magical training. Nothing much to see here.

Elodie pulled away, looking into his eyes. She smiled up at him, making him almost fall to his knees. "I sort of like you, too." Fred said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'd sure hope so, after that." Elodie said, looking away. "El?" Fred said. "Yeah?" Elodie asked.

"Are you my girlfriend?"
"Not sure. Do you went me to be?"
"Yeah, Freddie?"
"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Elodie and Fred walked into the Great Hall. Elodie hugged him, making her way to the puff table as he made his way over to Gryffindor's.

Elodie sat down, saying nothing but smiling at Imogen and Cedric. "What?" Imogen asked. Elodie smiled wider. "What?!" Cedric asked himself. She turned to him, now bouncing her leg from excitement, still smiling. "Oh my Merlin, WHAT?!" Imogen yelled. Elodie started to giggle. "We're dating." Elodie said.

Imogen's mouth dropped, smiling as it did so. Cedric started laughing and clapping. "You're what?" Imogen asked, not processing this information. "Mhm..he asked me to be his girlfriend." Elodie replied. "Well, bloody hell El! You were dating him before you were dating him!" Imogen said. Elodie rolled her eyes, punching Imogen's shoulder slightly.

Elodie turned her head behind her towards his table. Today, they sat back to back. He himself turned back around, and the two smiled at each other.

Harry went straight to detention after lunch. Everyone went to their common rooms or stayed in the hall, while a majority of everyone else was just standing and wondering the halls. Elodie went to find Luna, because she felt that she needed to start her Animagus procedure. Luna was standing in the restricted section of the library, gazing off into the rows of books.

"Luna!" Elodie said, greeting her with a hug. Luna returned the greeting, and they walked to a table that was a little further away from everyone. "Are you ready?" Elodie whispered. Luna nodded and smiled. Just as they were about to discuss the rules and steps, Draco and his goons passed by them. "Freak! Snogging Weaslebee for attention!" Draco spat. Him and his friends walked away laughing. Elodie frowned, but turned back to Luna, who put her hand on top of Elodie's. Luna was very good at comforting people. It was her love language.

"Um.. let's get started." Elodie said, as she opened the book. "Did you bring your homework with you?" Elodie asked, as she put her potions and transfiguration homework on the table.
"Always." Luna said, pulling it out of her worn out bag. They completed potions first, then once they finished transfiguration, they began to read the steps out loud.
Only loud enough for each other to hear, of course.

"Step one, do your homework. Check." Elodie said. "Step two, the hard part." Elodie said. Luna pulled out two mandrake leaves. "I'm afraid I could only find two, so if we accidentally mess up, we will not he able to complete the tasks." Luna said. "I don't think another will be necessary, for me at least." Elodie replied. Luna smiled, and on three, they put the leaf under their tongues. Elodie gagged, it didn't taste like pudding, that's for sure.

"Well. I guess this is all we can do until a month is over." Elodie said. Luna agreed, and they parted ways. As Elodie left the library, leaving Luna inside for her to finish her studies, she heard the voice. And away she went. Again.

Everyone was now at dinner, and Harry Potter was in detention with their new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and celebrity, Gilderoy Lockhart.
'Elodie' walked downstairs, and to the first corridor by Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. A large, very large, creature slithered next to her. The bathroom started to flood, and Ms. Norris, Filch's cat, was now petrified. It all happened in the blink of an eye. Elodie used her wand to hang the poor cat onto a torch hook, where blood was drawn. She used two fingers to father the blood, writing exactly what the voice told her to.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir... beware."

Elodie wrote it in blood, only if Elodie woke up and realized that a poor animal was being tortured by a serpent that was barely able to fit through the hallways of Hogwarts. Elodie walked to dinner, and just before she walked through the opening, she snapped out of it. Elodie shook her head, gasping once again. Elodie was oblivious.

She noticed a variety of students scattered all over the place, meaning it was free sit night. Imogen waved her over from Gryffindor's table, saving her a spot next to Fred. He noticed her presence, and smiled. "Hi." Fred said. "Hi." Elodie replied.

He made her a plate of food, since he was closer anyways. "Thank you." Elodie said. "But, I'm not hungry. I ate some chocolate frogs with Luna in the library." Elodie lied. She wasn't supposed to eat anything with the mandrake.
Fred curiously nodded, putting the plate in front of Ron. "Not eating, brother. I'm about to go get Harry from detention with Hermione." Ron said. "Bloody hell!" Fred yelled. "I'll take it." Someone said from across the table. Fred and Elodie turned, and Angelina Johnson was smiling at Fred, holding her hand out.

"I'm closer." Elodie said, grabbing the plate and reaching it to Angelina's hand. Angelina's smile dropped, rolling here eyes and turning to eat. Fred giggled. "Not on the first day. I mean cmon." Elodie said, turning to him. All he could do was laugh, and kissed her cheek. Elodie blushed, hard.

"Well me and Georgie should get to our dorms. New quidditch season starts tomorrow." Fred said, getting up. Elodie went to hug him, and Fred held his hand out to help her up from the bench. Elodie smiled at him, and wrapped her arms around him. He did the same, putting his arms around her lower back.

"Goodnight." Elodie said into his chest.
"Goodnight." Fred said, kissing the top of her head.

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