20: The Feelings

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Percy POV

I am laying wide awake and staring up at the ceiling. My mind was racing with all sorts of different thoughts and memories. I couldn't sleep. 

"You see, Seaweed Brain. I can be a rebel. I'm okay with breaking the rules with you," Annabeth paused and smiled. 

"Are you willing to do the same?"

I groaned and rolled over on the bed. My feet planted on the carpeted floor. I rubbed my face while trying to clear my mind, but I couldn't. 

Annabeth permeated my thoughts, and she wouldn't leave. Her words held a strong message. She was telling me something, and I was starting to figure it out. However, as I figured out more, I also experienced more conflict. Annabeth has feelings for me just like I have feelings for her.

But, Annabeth Chase is my boss. 

Furthermore, my life was so complicated right now without me being in a relationship. It doesn't seem like a good idea to engage with her. 

Yet, I knew that I'd regret it if I didn't try. She asked me to break the rules with her. Annabeth wanted me to explore our relationship and our connection. How can I deny something that encompasses everything I want?

I sighed while standing up and stretching. 

Darkness consumed my room, but my eyes adjusted to the light a while ago. Once I woke up, I couldn't go back to sleep. 

Tyson was snoring quietly on the bed next to mine. He's a heavy sleeper, but his snoring doesn't bother me. The noises he makes in his sleep are soothing. As long as he's snoring and sleeptalking, I know that he's alive. 

I silently walked towards the kitchen to get some milk. Warm milk always helps me sleep at night when I'm feeling restless. The clock read 4:07 am. 

I scratched my bare abdomen while reaching for some cookies from the pantry. I felt wide awake, so I decided to watch a movie. Tomorrow is Saturday, so I don't have to worry about work. That's not true. I always have to worry about work because Annabeth doesn't hesitate about waking me up early. 

She has no restrictions when it comes to making my life difficult. Even now, my feelings for her were certainly making my life complicated. 

However, it was a good kind of complicated. I don't mind it. 

I sprawled out on the couch as Finding Nemo played. HEY, don't judge me for watching a Disney cartoon. You're never too old to enjoy Finding Nemo. 

I dozed off after a while, and Annabeth infiltrated my dreams. 


"Perseus, wake up, honey. We have some company," Hestia gently shook me from my slumber. 

I was still on the couch. A light trail of drool covered my chin. I quickly wiped my face before standing up and stretching. The other person in the room startled me. 

"What are you doing here?" I snapped. 

Poseidon turned from pictures on the wall and watched me. I was only in sweat pants because I usually don't sleep with a shirt on. At this point, I didn't care about how I looked. I didn't even realize that Poseidon knew where we lived. 

He smiled warmly and straightened his business suit. He was looking around the room with worry. Like at any moment, people would pop out and jump him. 

"I can visit my son, Perseus," Poseidon expressed. "I am also allowed to see my sister. It's been such a long time, Hestia." 

"Yes, it has. What brings you here so unexpectedly?" Hestia asked. Hestia is always nice to people. Even when she dislikes someone, she remains warm towards them. 

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