2: The Search

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Percy POV

"Gods, why is the job market so bad?" Grover asked in frustration. 

I sighed while nodding towards my best friend. We were scrolling through job search databases to find a better job for me. Working at the restaurant is great, but it doesn't pay that much. 

Grover is my best friend. We've known each other since elementary school. We've been close friends ever since I saved him from bullying. The bully, Nancy Bobofit, was making fun of Grover's abnormal gait. 

However, Grover was born with the condition. It doesn't impact his life that much, but he does have a slight limp. 

"Also, I'm sorry that Tyson is sick, but I'm confident that he'll get through this." 

"Yeah. I'm trying to stay optimistic as well. However, I need to find a good job if I want to support Hestia with the medical expenses," I answered. 

"Oh, how about this?" Grover asked while pointing at the screen. 

My eyes widened as I stared a the pay. It was a high-paying job, so I scrolled down to see the description. Then, I gaped at a smirking Grover. 

"G-MAN, I'm NOT WORKING AS A MALE STRIPPER," I exclaimed. Grover laughed while pulling the laptop into his lap. 

"You'd make big bucks," he countered. 

"I know that," I replied sassily. "Any girl would pay buttloads of money to see all this in action. But, no way in hell would I do that." 

We laughed and talked while continuing our search. However, it was hard to find job options. I submitted as many applications as possible, but I wasn't too happy with most of them. Plus, many job options have high requirements that I can't fulfill. 

Juniper came to the apartment after a while with food. 

Juniper and Grover live together in a small studio apartment. They both have decent and stable jobs, and they were saving money for marriage and a larger house. 

"Here's your lo mein and orange chicken. Before you even ask, the chefs refused to make and call it blue chicken," Juniper joked. 

"Thanks, Juniper. I'm starving." 

Juniper and Grover are vegans, but they don't mind me eating meat at their home. They bought themselves some vegan Chinese food. 

She was a very good fit for my best friend. They were so similar, and they've been dating for years now. Grover is waiting for the right time to officially propose even though everyone knew that they are destined to be together. 

"Um, Percy. I know that this is a sensitive topic, but I do have a suggestion," Grover started. Juniper's expressions turned serious as she nodded. 

"Tell me. I'm open to ideas." 

"Your father."

I stopped eating and looked up at the couple. Based on their facial expressions, they were being serious. I stabbed the chicken in my bowl and grumbled. 

"I know that you hate him, Percy. However, this isn't about you. This is about Tyson and his health. Poseidon Olympus is a rich businessman. If he wants, he could make sure that Tyson gets the best treatment." 

"The keyword there is want. Poseidon has no want for me, Tyson, and Estelle," I spat.

"You have to try," Juniper expressed softly. "This is for Tyson, and your father could help with his treatment." 

"MY FATHER LEFT US," I snapped. "He has no desire to be in our lives, and I don't want him back either. I hate him for everything he did." 

Grover and Juniper quietened. Dinner continued in silence. However, I couldn't get my best friend's words out of my mind. He was right. This is about Tyson and his health. If my father could help us, then I had to try. 

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