31: The Statement

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Percy POV

I couldn't stop my heart from thudding in my chest. It took every ounce of my willpower to slow my breathing, so the person wouldn't detect me. I was crouched behind a couch to the right of Atlas's desk. I wasn't expecting Atlas and Cally to return so soon. 

"I'm sorry, dear. I forgot my wallet," Atlas's voice boomed. There was a lightness to his voice that conveyed he didn't know anything. 

I was still in the clear. 

I pressed myself against the couch and crawled farther away from the desk. I'm not visible from the center of the room. However, if Atlas crosses towards the couch, then he would easily see me. 

His footsteps echoed closer to me. 

"Father, I could've paid for our meal," Calypso tried. She didn't know if I was here or not. However, she was still trying to take Atlas away just in case. Bless her soul. 

"What kind of a father would I be if I made my child pay?" Atlas commented. 

At least, Atlas has good manners, I thought. 

I stopped breathing as Atlas paused next to his desk. I watched his hands fiddle with stuff in his front desk drawer. Just as he said, he pulled out his wallet and slipped it into his pocket. However, Atlas didn't leave. I winced internally as his eyes scanned his desk. Atlas seemed like he was doubting something. 

"Is everything okay, dad? We're going to be late for our reservation," Calypso said quickly. Atlas looked at Cally with a stern expression. 

Fear bubbled in my stomach while I watched the interaction. I felt certain that we messed up in some way. Maybe, I messed something up on his desk. 

Atlas couldn't be stupid if he's a renowned businessman. His eyes scanned the room again, causing me to press deeper into my hiding spot. Then, he shrugged before smiling at his daughter again. 

"Sorry, honey. I was just thinking. Nevermind that. Let's go to dinner. I don't want to miss the table because of our tardiness," Atlas expressed.

"Plus, fine-dining restaurants are so punctual," Cally continued smoothly. 

I was able to breathe normally again after they left the office. I stayed in my hiding spot for a few more minutes. This time around, Atlas did lock his office. I still couldn't shake my nerves and fear because of the situation I'm in. 

Suddenly, my Bluetooth buzzed obnoxiously. 

"Percy, you're in the clear still, but you have to hurry," Leo said. His voice was frantic now, which told me that I have to leave. 

"How much time, Leo?" I asked. 

"Their security is already trying to fix the cameras. I can't hold the hack much longer unless we want to get caught," Leo explained. 

Grover's voice interrupted Leo. "I'm giving you two minutes, Percy." His voice was serious and firm, so I knew that he'd freak out if I didn't go down soon. I was already waiting for the elevator to come to this floor. 

The office has several security cameras. this plan would've been impossible if not for Leo's hacking skills. The fact that Grover is nearby reassured me more than anything. He wasn't needed for the plan, but my best friend's presence gave me confidence. 

The elevator ride down was quick. 

A smile stretched across Grover's face when he saw me. I cooly approached him while fixing my tie. We were in business attire as a proper disguise. 

"Did you get it?" Grover asked quietly. We walked out of the building simultaneously. The night breeze wafted against my face. The street was a lot emptier at night. Leo reiterated the question in my ear. 

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