10: The Shower

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Percy POV

"Ms. Chase, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" I asked frantically. I stopped my car on the side of the road. It was very dark outside because the streetlight was broken. We didn't live in the greatest neighborhood considering we were 'poor.'

"Um, my shower is broken," Annabeth complained.

My brain temporarily malfunctioned. This woman was freaking out this much over a broken shower. Something is wrong with this lady. 

After a few seconds, I was able to speak again.

"That's what you're freaking out about?" I snapped. "You sounded so scared. I thought you got lost in a bad neighborhood or something."

"You don't understand. The water is not working in both of my showers at my penthouse. The guest bathroom was broken a while ago, but I didn't care. Right now, I need to take a shower before my mother arrives," Annabeth commanded.

"Boss, just go to a friend's house," I answered.

"Thalia's not answering. Piper is away with Jason on a weekend getaway. I called you after exhausting the smart options, Seaweed Brain," she snapped angrily. Her tone radiated power and frustration.

I raised a brow at the nickname. She never called me that before, and it was strange. More importantly, Annabeth was stressing a lot about Athena Chase's visit. Athena Chase is the CEO of Olympus Architecture. She was visiting the New York branch this week to see how the company was functioning. The office gossip is flying thanks to her visit.

Supposedly, Athena is way worse than Annabeth.

"I don't like that nickname," I commented with a smirk. I started driving again, but I turned around to visit Annabeth's penthouse.

"I need you to call a plumber. My apartment's staff is off this weekend. My shower needs to be fixed within an hour or two," Annabeth ordered. She sounded angry and irritated. When she's stressed out, she also lashes out.

"You know, Ms. Chase, I thought you were trying to be nicer."

I chuckled to myself and laughed even more when she huffed. Who knew that someone could get so nervous about seeing their mother. I wondered what type of relationship Annabeth and Athena have.

"Can you help or not, Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth snapped. "I have to be presentable before my mother arrives today."

"Don't worry, boss. I'm on my way."

"I don't need you here," she screeched. "I need a plumber here who can fix both of my showers. before she arrives."

"Ye of little faith. Relax. I've got this," I answered.


Annabeth's penthouse was on the second to last floor of a huge apartment complex. It was a luxury apartment close to the office. I didn't expect anything less from my boss's place. There were three levels of security before I was allowed up to Annabeth's penthouse. The living room alone was larger than my entire apartment.

"Finally, you're here. It shouldn't take you a whole half-hour to drive here," Annabeth said firmly. "Now, can you fix my showers or not?"

I turned around to face my boss. She was as demanding and strict as ever. It didn't help that she seemed stressed out.

This was my first time seeing her in completely casual clothes. She was wearing black tights and a gray sports top. It was classic workout clothes. Her face was covered in a sleek layer of sweat, and water was sprits on her clothes as well.

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