Suddenly I felt something drape over my shoulders, causing me to gasp in surprise.

"You looked a little cold," ashtray smiled down at you.

My heart was beating rapidly as you looked up at his beautiful brown eyes.

"Oh, thanks.." I trailed off, pulling the jacket further onto me. "Uh," he trailed off for a moment, "Do you want to walk with me for a little? There's kind of something I wanted to talk to you about." His hand rubbed the back of his neck as he hesitantly looked towards me.

"Yeah, okay," I stood up and were surprised when he tugged on my hand, lacing our fingers together. A blush rose on my cheeks as we began walking away from the carnival.

I was confused and nervous I mean what would he want to talk about?

Did he know that I like him?

That would be so embarrassing

Was I that obvious?

So many thoughts clouded my head as he led me towards a deserted area far from all of the commotion.

He dropped my hand, scratching his neck. "There's been something I've been meaning to tell you," he began, looking a bit nervous. "Um, I haven't been very honest with yo-" I cut him off, not wanting him to finish his sentence.

"Look, it's okay if you like Y/F/N, I get it-" "What? That's not with this is about, I like you, not her!" I stared at him in shock. I was so surprised, I had no idea what to say.

Did ashtray like me this whole time?

I immediately felt like a complete idiot. "I-I, oh," you looked down towards the grass, embarrassed.

"I didn't mean to make this awkward, I'm sorry, it's okay if you don't like me back, really-" "No! No, that's not it. I do, trust me," I giggled, a small smile on my face.

"I just thought you liked Y/F/N this whole time, you've been with her a lot lately..."

"Yeah, about that...I've been meeting with her about you. I sort of wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend and I just wanted all of it to be perfect because you deserve it but I couldn't wait any longer, so..."

Ashtray trailed off slightly. I was speechless, once again having no idea what to say. I couldn't wrap my head around what was happening.

"Ashtray, I don't even know what to say...that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me," I spoke softly, gazing up at him.

your close proximity made my heart flutter. Ashtray smiled at me, walking towards me wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

our foreheads were touching, noses brushing against each other and I could feel his warm breath on my face as he spoke.

"You don't have to say anything, I'm just relieved that you like me back, or else this would have been extremely awkward" I giggled, smiling at him. Everything around us was silent, the faint sound of the carnival in the distance.

we both stood quietly, enjoying each other's presence. "Y/N?" ash whispered, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "Yeah?"

"Can I kiss you?" My heart jumped at those four words and I became anxious.

I nodded and Ashtray slowly leaned in, his eyes never leaving mine. Both of my eyes fluttered shut, and moments later his lips were pressed softly to mine.

The kiss was full of love and passion, it got a little heated but a gasp made us both pull away.

Maddy stood there with shock all over her face "never in a million years did I think you would get your first kiss this soon" she smiled "wait I was your first kiss?" ashtray asked surprised and I nodded feeling my cheeks turn red.

"oh my god is he your boyfriend" cassie asked and I looked at ashtray "yea y/n am I your boyfriend" ashtray asked with a smirk "come on tell them," he said and my cheeks turned a darker shade.

of course, everyone noticed "bitch you better be joking" Maddy laughed hugging me "wow im impressed" kat smirked.

"Okay everyone stop, don't we have this thing we have to attend to," I told ashtray "wh- oh yea," he said and I quickly grabbed his hands walking away "USE PROTECTION!!" Maddy yelled "oh my god, im so sorry" I said embarrassed and he chuckled "it's alright" he smiled.




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AN: in my opinion i think Maddy would've been an amazing big sister

Ashtray and Javon Walton imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now