jealous (AT)

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Warning: jealousy

WC: 729


-Ashtray's pov-

I'm totally in love with y/n, the way she giggles, the way she smiles, the way how her eyes lit up when she's amazed, how she's so kind to everyone yet so mean to bullies. I was in chemistry just staring at her dreamily I would never be able to have her we are good friends and are really close.

Y/n turned around and caught me staring at her, she flashed me a smile and little wave before turning around causing my cheeks to flush of how embarrassing this was.  Y/n and I had plans after chemistry we would go to check out the new cafe that just opened nearby.

I could see that jackass William who was sitting next to y/n was constantly flirting with her I rolled my eyes at the sight I couldn't stand him one bit.

William Geller was one of the biggest jerks in our school, he was the captain of the football a with blonde hair and blue eyes, plus he is a total fuck boy but no one knew that except for the boys. I once heard a rumor that he fucked not one not two but three girls in one day.

I was jealous, she obviously likes him.

the bell finally rang and I was happy to finally have some time with y/n.

I was going to meet y/n at her locker but at her locker was her and William "hi guys" I said as I approached them both "hi William is joining us in the cafe if you don't mind" she said smiling.

Seriously I was looking forward to this part of the day now he's coming "it's all good" I faked a smile.

William and y/n would constantly leave me out of the conversations it got so frustrating and made me jealous as fuck.

We arrived at the cafe y/n and William sat at on side while I sat on the other side of the table the waiter came over "what would you like to order?" he asked us "I would like a blueberry muffin" both y/n and William said at the same time then started laughing.

I was angry and upset I couldn't believe this, I mean it's supposed to be me and y/n and now this asshole comes over and ruin's everything.

"what about you ash," y/n asked placing her head on her hand staring at me "can I have a chocolate cake please".

I was constantly left out of the conversation "hey you guys I'm here as well" I said waving "oh sorry" he replied "ye right" I muttered angrily under my breath "are you okay ash you seem a little mad?" Y/n asked worriedly.

"Like you care, no I am not it's better If I leave so you two can carry on with your stupid date" I stood up and walked away hearing y/n calling my name from a distance.

I arrived at the station and stayed downstairs on the counter angrily pressing the buttons on the register until I heard the store doors opening.

I looked up and saw y/n which made my eyes soften. She had the cafe box in her hand and smiled "here's your cupcakes, they didn't have any big cake slices" she gave it to me and placed it down on the counter.

she was about to leave when she stopped and looked at me "sorry about what happened" she said "I don't care, you probably had fun with Geller have you made it official yet with him?" I started getting mad again.

Y/n just gave me this look like she was about to laugh "are you jealous or something l-" I cut her "yes I'm jealous y/n because I am in love with but your too blind to se-" she cut me off by kissing passionately and slow my eyes widened I was so confused

We slowly pulled away "ashtray William is my cousin" she said and my eyes widened "you flirted with your cousin" "eww no!! If you were paying attention to our conversation we were mimicking Cassie and Nate Jacob since we know that there definitely fucking each other," she told me.

"Oh sorry I thought y-" "yea ashtray you thought wrong" she giggled "soooo can I take you out on a date" "without William please" I added and she smiled. "Alright see you around" she winked leaving me all flustered.




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Q: whats the best cupcakes you ever tried?

Ashtray and Javon Walton imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon