Bonus Chapter: Covert Operations

Start from the beginning

"Trying to appeal to my humanitarian side? You must be desperate."

"Not as desperate as you are for money. You even swallowed that high-brow pride of yours and waited for me." Paige said with a sly one-sided grin. Jada's eyes glinted.

"What made you think I'd help you anyway?" Jada asked sharply. Paige leaned back, crossing one booted leg over the other.

"Nothing. You were just one of my options. I have plenty of other more cooperative contacts I can get in touch with."

"Then why—"

"Your network might come in handy. That's what I thought at first. But looking back, I see I could've asked for help elsewhere and gotten the same results. So right now, the only thing keeping me here is the fact that you need me here." Paige finished, noting the doubt that crept into Jada's eyes. She smiled inwardly. She had managed to keep her agenda hidden and goaded Jada into thinking she didn't really need her; that the Night Blazers had options when it came to allies. Paige patted herself on the back; she was a damn good bluffer.

Jada studied the table for a quiet moment before speaking.

"Fine. We'll help. In exchange, you bring Havens to us tonight."

"That's it?" Paige raised her eyebrows cynically. Jada nodded.

"That's it. Now what's your deal? I don't have time to sit and chat all day so make it quick." Paige hesitated.

"I want it clear that whatever's said here doesn't leave this room."

"Jeez, you must be desperate if you don't want even your crew finding out," Jada said, narrowing her eyes. Paige took a deep breath.

"How many contacts do you have in Vegas?"

"The Alvarezes have connections all over Nevada. Sizable ones."

"And your tracking system?"


"What if it was someone who doesn't want to be found?"

"Only phantoms can succeed at that. People leave trails."

"Then you won't have any trouble tracking down a cop." Jada sat up straight at the mention of a 'cop'.

"I'm listening," she said. Paige's expression twisted to one of suppressed emotion as she spoke a name.

"Officer Hudson Hendrix Ross." Jada's expression didn't change.

"Who's he to you?" she asked. Paige swallowed and looked like she was struggling to choose her next words.

"I have a feeling he's behind all the arson cases associated with us. That is, the cases no one knows are associated with us."

"A feeling? You came to me for help based on a gut feeling?" Jada looked incredulous.

"A damn good one. And if you want Brook to show up tonight, you'll cooperate with me." Paige said, her tone hardening. Jada rolled her eyes.

"Fine. What do you want me to do?"

"Locate him, if you can. Find out if he had anything to do with those cases. Keep the whole investigation to yourself while you're at it."

"And then what?"

"Report back to me and me alone and forget everything." Paige gritted out.

"And none of the Night Blazers ever find out?"

"To them, this meeting never happened. In fact, tonight it will be like it never did." Paige growled that out so vehemently that Jada was surprised. Her expression softened for a brief second.

"You have a personal stake in this somewhere, don't you?" she asked. Paige looked away, her emotions bubbling up inside her. When she spoke, her voice was low and controlled.

"More than anyone will ever know."

Sneaky sneaky, Paige

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Sneaky sneaky, Paige. What do you think she's up to, going behind the crew's back? Good intentions? Or stupid decision?
And now it'll look like this meeting never happened...
Any input on who you think is Officer Hudson Ross? If you read the original Ride or Die, you might guess right.

Hope I kept you in suspense.
Thanks for sticking around so far. 😘


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