The ride back home was silent but comfortable and it also gave her time to steal glances at him.

Soon, they were parked right outside her patio.

"Here we are!", Jake said as he looked towards her house.

"Thanks for the ride. It really means-", he cut her off by waving it off.

She smiled, unbuckled her seat belt and opened the door to leave.

She stepped out and shut the door behind her. She turned around and started walking towards her house, while her cheeks were completely red as she blew them out. Travelling with the one you love is the best feeling ever, especially when they do something, only for you and Briana was feeling it. She held her bag strap tightly and dug her hand into it to take out the keys.

"Hey? Briana???", Jake called out to her, making her halt mid-way. She breathed in sharply, not aware that he was still there. She turned around to look at him, who was still seated in the car. "I forgot to tell you that we're leaving for New York tomorrow. Book the tickets for the evening", he said and was about to leave.

"But why suddenly?", she blurted out but slammed her hand on her mouth, knowing that she was not in the place to ask these things. "I mean, for how many days so that I can make the arrangements, accordingly."

Jake raised his brows at her and said. "For the hotel chain meet! 2 days it will be! Contact the lawyer for other details!", he said and earned a quick nod from her.

With that said, he drove out and disappeared in the darkness.


The next morning, Jake woke up at his usual time, but at his own place. Most of his mornings were at someone else's house but on the days of hectic work schedule, he preferred to avoid distractions. The New York hotel chains were extremely crucial for him. He had been trying so hard for the past whole month to get his hands on it. Now he couldn't lose it just because some loser rival of his thinks that they deserve it!

He had it all jacked!

Jake had formed a team of 4 members who will be traveling with him which included Ricky, Briana, Lawyer and himself. He knew he had to crack the deal, which meant he wants the best of his people to be there with him.

Soon, he reached the airport and was ready to board the flight but couldn't because one of his teammates decided to turn up late.


After a wait of 10 minutes, they saw her rushing towards them with two bags. Jake was pissed the moment he saw her carrying two bags, having informed her that the trip was only for 2 days and for business!

God these women!!!

"Sorry, I-"

"Are you that dumb, Briana, that you didn't even keep a track of the time?? How could you be so stupid!!!!! We could have missed the flight and you know how important it is for me to be there!!!!", Jake yelled at her, cutting her off.

Briana lowered her head because she knew he won't let her speak even if her excuses were genuine. Behind Jake stood Ricky, who was glaring at his boss but was helpless! The whole airport was looking at them. Briana felt dejected and worst part was she couldn't look him in the eye.

But it was his mistake that she was late so why should she listen to his rant? How did she become the bad guy?

"Now will you hurry up or want us to miss the flight???", he glowered at her.

"Sorry sir.", she mumbled, trying to keep her tears at bay.

Jake just huffed at her and hurried in the direction of their flight. He hated being late for anything. Sometimes, he thought how careless his employees were! Moreover, how careless was he to recruit them in the first place!!!!

Soon they all were settled. The plane was now in mid-air but Briana's heart was somewhere else. She had woken up happy today as the previous night had been wonderful, at least for her because Jake didn't seem to even acknowledge it!

Finally, she decided to clear the foul air between them. So she got up and went to his seat. Jake didn't see her coming as he was busy reading a magazine and sipping his champagne. Suddenly, his eyes shot up to the lady standing next to his seat. He shifted his eyes from his magazine to the woman standing in front of her. On seeing her, he sighed and shook his head.

"Now what? Came here to apologize again??", he looked irritated.

"No sir. Came here to tell you why I was late!", she said with much confidence.

"Not interested! You were late and there's no excuse for late comers!", he waved her off.

"Even if the reason behind my delay was my boss?", she leaned towards him.

That got his attention!

"Excuse me, Miss Briana?! Are you trying to pin your fault on me??", he was shocked at her audacity.

"Just clarifying that it was my boss's fault to message me at the last moment to grab his files and other miscellaneous things from the office! Also, out of the two bags, the smaller one is mine while the other one belongs to my boss... who didn't even recognize it was his", she mumbled the last part.

Jake looked baffled and raised his brows at her.

"The bigger bag has all your essentials and documents that you told me to collect from your cabin. So yes, I was late for the reason that my boss decided to send me all the way to the office!", she said with her head held high.

It was that moment when Jake realized that he indeed had made the last minute changes in the plan and had asked her to get the things. He felt embarrassed, though, his ego didn't allow him to apologize to his employees or anyone for that matter.

"I hope I've come clean!", with that said, she turned around and left, without waiting for his reply.


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