Chapter 1: Prologue

Start from the beginning

How despicable.

He was fine when she displayed signs of jealousy. What man didn’t want a beautiful woman desiring after him? But Rosé Yang had severely crossed the line when she dared to taunt and bully his lover, Chou Tzuyu.

Who did she think she is? He allowed her to exploit the title of "Jeong Jaehyun's Fiance" to a high extent and this is how she repays him? By attempting a hit at Chou Tzuyu life?

"You’re nothing but a pawn in my game. How dare the pawn come after the Queen." Jeong Jaehyun continued to berate the woman in front of him.

She had already fallen from her grace, but that didn’t mean he understood the meaning of mercy.

His parents saw her as a lifetime partner, but she saw this as a despicable joke. "Use my kindness as a warning, Rosé Yang. Stay away from me and my wife." His voice was chillingly cold, like the freezing wind of the Arctic.

If looks could kill, she would’ve long been cremated and her ashes would have been thrown into the sewers. The atmosphere was frigid, nipping Rosé Yang's heart.

Perhaps her anger and delusion had finally cracked her, but she wanted to laugh at the title he placed over Chou Tzuyu. Wife? More like his Mistress.

The Jeong family never approved of that woman, because of her lowly background and heritage.

"Do you understand me?" Jeong Jaehyun hissed in anger when he saw her distant expression.

He bent down and roughly gripped her chin up. Rosé Yang winced in pain, which caused him to tighten his hold. She knew it was going to leave a nasty bruise on her jawline.

"Stay. Away. From. Chou Tzuyu." Jeong Jaehyun's voice was so calm, that it was beginning to scare the crowd.

Suddenly, bubbles of confidence surged within Rosé Yang. It was fueled by her anguished heart that desired revenge for being torn, stomped, and disregarded.

"And if I don’t?" She retorted back at him, her fiery temper beginning to come out again.

A black shadow flew at the speed of light and before anyone could react, a hand had smacked her face with so much force, that it turned to the side.

The crowd gasped in shock. Never in a billion years, would they expect Jeong Jaehyun to strike a woman.

Rosé Yang's face was immediately swung to the side with so much force, she knew she got whiplash. Tears gathered in her eyes at the stinging pain in her cheeks, but she pushed them down.

"Oh my god! Jaehyun, are you alright?!" Chou Tzuyu immediately grabbed Jeong Jaehyun rough, calloused hand. It was bright red because of how hard he had smacked her.

"Does it hurt a lot?" She gently asked him with her sweet as honey voice. She blew onto his red hand, lightly rubbing her cold fingers against it.

Jeong Jaehyun's eyes softened at the sight of the fragile woman beside him. "I’m fine, sweetheart." He whispered to her.

Rosé Yang hatefully stared at the couple.

Jeong Jaehyun had one arm wrapped around Chou Tzuyu's waist, holding her incredibly close to him. When Rosé Yang's saw him hold Chou Tzuyu like the most precious thing in the world, she nearly laughed.

Who would’ve thought the Devil was capable of love?

"Honey, let’s not pay any more attention to her. I’m beginning to pity her..." Chou Tzuyu's voice turned soft and mellow, like the spring breeze on a hot summer day.

Instantly, Jeong Jaehyun agreed with her. The halo of the female lead was too hard to reject. "As you wish, sweetheart." He whispered to her.

He always agreed to whatever she desired. He was smitten by her, and every inch of his heart craved for her. But his parents and Rosé Yang saw it as foolish puppy love. They had recently begun to date and were most likely in the honeymoon stage.

That’s what Rosé Yang believed in, to convince her broken heart. But a deep part of her knew that wasn’t true.

The love that Jeong Jaehyun had for Chou Tzuyu was beyond words.

Rosé Yang wanted to keep her mouth shut, but her heart was begging her to open her mouth and seal her fate. Nothing mattered anymore.

Her pride was destroyed, her parents disowned her, the people had humiliated her and her reputation was blasted into nothingness. What more did she have to lose? Something hot, angry, and bitter trickled down her eyes.

Jeong Jaehyun's dark eyes flickered in surprise, at the sight of her tears. It was the first time she had cried in front of him.

He nearly laughed, until he realized it wasn’t tears of sorrow. It was tears of anger that came from the violent waves of her broken heart.

Rosé Yang saw red. She slowly stood up, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, and in a momentary flash, she wanted blood to spill.

But a force was holding her down. "Stay down, it’s futile to fight back" A voice whispered to her.

When Rosé Yang glanced to the side, she was startled to see a mirror reflection of herself. Was she going crazy? Was all this anger and delusions finally getting to her? Did Jeong Jaehyun slap the senses out of her?

"He’ll destroy you if you try to fight him. Stay down." The woman softly told Rosé Yang.

When Rosé Yang reached a hand to push the woman away, the hand went straight through her. Gasping in shock, Rosé Yang stared at the woman with her eyes wide open. And that’s when the floor beneath her collapsed.

Jeong Jaehyun and Chou Tzuyu were gone. The people that taunted and humiliated her were gone.

Rosé Yang stood in an abyss of darkness, unsure of where she went wrong.

(Coming Soon)

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