Chapter 25: August's Letter Prt 1

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I had googled the address in the servings letter and it located me to a spot in Hawaii. We decided as one big ass family we'd all take the planes and go down there for a well needed vacation.

"Sya you always tell me to hurry up when it's time for me to get to the airport. But you taking your sweet ol time." He came in the room with cookie wrapped around his leg.

"I'm all done packing, get off my back!" I grabbed my duffle bags and moved passed them to the door to give Malo my bags. He's one of Rocky's bodyguards.

I fired AC and Issac and all my other people. So they'd go live their lives. They've been working since my father was alive. Things need to change. AC has started his own little trinket shop for his snow globes with Isaac. Many of my old workers work for them so I see them often.

I slid on Cookie's UGG boots and jacket over little her sweatshirt since the temperature dropped to 41° this morning.

I did the same to myself and grabbed the dogs leashes.

"Come on." I called out to them and they're big asses came running down the steps. Zeus laid on the floor so Alex can get on his back like he always does. I hooked their leashes up and held them in my fist.

I slid my boots on with my free hand, being careful not to break a nail.

"Rocky c'mon!" He slid down the stair rail and landed on his feet. He shook his left leg and winced.

"Now my balls all twisted up." I shook my head and opened the door for Malo to carry the bags out. After being on the elevator we made it to the limo where the mob was waiting all in their pajamas.

"Sy why you always gotta book the flight in the morning? It's fuckin 3 am." Ant said as he rubbed his eye like a lil ass kid.

"Oh shut up." I mushed his head and got in first. After piling in, the driver took the 25 minute drive to the airport.

We took the side way to the the building to avoid fans and got scanned by the airport security. Michelle ran to Alex and hugged like they hadn't seen each other yesterday. King was fighting sleeping in Chyna's arms while Ang and Mir were knocked the hell out.

Once we got the kids and the dogs together we were on our way to Hawaii. Once we had safely made it in the air I took Cookie to the second floor on the plane to my room. I laid her down, laying next to her playing with her little nose.

I would've used Mac to locate exactly who and what was in Hawaii but I have given up that life, not completely, but I have given up the business end to EJ. I still own police stations around the US but that's for different reasons.

People still want me dead. Like they want my head for the simple fact my father was who he was. That's an issue I rather not touch on.

This is an 10 hour flight. There better be a treasure chest full of juice from the fountain of youth once I land or I'll find August's body and mangle it all to hell. Even in death he's still fuckin with me.

Chris came in and laid on the other side of Cookie and took a deep breath. The girl was who Chris has been crying over for years now. The mother of his children finally saw each other after half a decade. When he told her about their son the poor girl literally had a heart attack. Apparently she had been flown off the map by Chris's mother with no way off the island. Until I bumped into her recently. She has been in the hospital for a minute now. I went to visit her and she was on the brink of drawing her final breath. She has health problems that had been barley treated over the years. They have her under lock down at that hospital. No visitors unless they show ID. I hired a bodyguard for her boyfriend and daughter. The little girl calls the other guy, Pierre, daddy. She said it in the middle of their argument and ran to him. You should've seen the look on Chris's face. If sadness was a person.... That's the only way to describe it. I have people locating where to find Joyce. Once they do, I'm leaving her all to Chris.

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