Chapter Twenty-Four

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Contains: character death 😈

Please buckle up, keep hands and feet in the ride at all times. You are allowed to cuss, scream, and cry. Pay attention to everything around you as this ride is VERY fast and all over the place.

Now, enjoy 😈🏃🏾‍♀️

p.s.: y'all can hate me now 🤷🏾


June 10th, 2020
Firenze, Italy
Penthouse Conference Room
Later That Same Night

"They're married" I said walking into the conference room after Matt and I arrived back from the "meeting".

"What do you mean? Who?" Pen asked.

"JJ and Emily. They're married and have been for at least a month now."

"Well, that changes things" Tara said. I sighed and sat down. "Are we going after both of them now?" Tara said turning to Hotch.

"I guess we are"


I arrived back home with all my bags from my shopping trip. I made my way upstairs and put the bags on the bed. I grabbed the Apple bag that had everything I bought and made my way downstairs to Emily's office.

"Hey, I'm back" I said poking my head in. Marco and her were sitting around the office, chatting.

"Hey babe, did you have a good shopping trip?"

"I did, I got you the phones you wanted with some cases and new AirPods."

"Okay, thank you baby. Marco and I are going on a business trip tomorrow with David. We've decided to do business with him." It took everything in me not to react to that in a negative way. Everything was happening so fast and I knew something bad was going to happen. I've been feeling off ever since I seen David.

"Oh yeah? In what business?" I said as I started getting all of our phones set up. I needed to distract myself.

"Marco and I were thinking money laundering. He's an author who's due for another traveling book release."

"Yeah, he's great for the business" Marco said. I listened to them talk as I set my computer up. I put a VPN on my computer so I could watch the news in America without Emily finding out. I needed to know what was going on. I had to talk to someone.


September 10th, 2020
Firenze, Italy
Penthouse Conference Room

It's been 3 months since we've arrived in Firenze and 3 months sine David "partnered" with Emily. We've been keeping tabs on them through Matt and David. He told us that JJ is doing very well in the mafia business, like she was born to do it. We know they have a party to go to tonight. It's a rooftop party. We are going in quiet. We had other agents going to the Villa to get everyone there arrested and brought in. David was going to the party as to be our eyes inside along with Matt.

"What if JJ doesn't want to go with us?" Reid asked.

"Then we arrest her too and as much as I hate to do that, it's what we have to do. Treat this like any other case okay? Do not put your feelings into this until after we get everything done, got it?" I watched as they all nodded. I let out a sigh.

"Let's go"


September 10th, 2020
Florence, Italy
Angel Roofbar & Dining

"David, it's so wonderful to see you here. We didn't think you would show up" I said to David as we stood around the bar drinking. The party was in full gear now. There were people everywhere. Drinks, music, drugs, bottle girls, the whole nine yards. Emily's family was also here too minus her parents and grandmother of course.

"Thank you for inviting me, I was tying up a few lose ends before I came." I started looking around the room, taking in everything and everyone. A chill ran through my body when I seen someone familiar standing in a corner. Tara. I see her staring at me.

"Hey, I'm going to go to the bathroom okay?" I told Emily.

"Okay, hurry back" she gives me a kiss and I make my way to the bathroom, I could see Tara following me. I entered the bathroom and I heard the door close behind me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her as I made sure the bathroom was clear.

"We are here to arrest Emily, you know that. Now, you can either come with me on your own or I will have to arrest you."

"Arrest me for what Tara? I haven't done anything in the states. I married into the family. You can't tie my name to anything, I promise you that"

"JJ-" we stopped in our tracks when we heard a gunshot go off them screaming. We left the bathroom, running back to the the party.

"Emily's been shot!!" I heard someone say. My blood ran cold and I pushed my heels harder as I made my way back to the bar. When I got there I saw her surrounded by Marco and a few other people from our family.

"Emily!" I said dropping to my knees. Marcos' jacket was pressed tightly to her stomach. I placed my hand on top of it.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I-" she breathes out, blood is already running from her mouth. I place my hand against her face. Tears falling down my face.

"Hey handsome, it's not your fault."

"Why do I always get shot?" I chuckled at her, a tear falling on her hands as they gripped my hand on her stomach. I could hear yelling in the back as everyone tried to figured out what happened and where the ambulance was. I focused all my attention on Emily.

"Hey, let me see those beautiful eyes" I said as I noticed her eyes closing. She opens them slowly then smiles at me weakly. I bite my lip to keep from crying more.

"Hey, don't cry." She said lifting her hand to my face.

"Ti amo, Jennifer"



"What the fuck happened out there?!" I heard Hotch yelling as he stood in a separate room with the team. I was sitting with our family in another one as we waited on Emily's doctor. Marco left to go see if he could get any answers. I watched as Hotch yelled at the team.

I played with the necklace around my neck. It was one that Emily gifted me when we first got together. Elizabeth was beside me, her arm thrown across my shoulders. We became closer after Emily and I got married. We loved to go shopping together, especially in Milan, it's so amazing there. I tried to keep my mind away from the bad gut feeling I was having. I was suppose to tell Emily some exciting news tonight.

"Hey.." I heard Marco say from the doorway. I looked up and stared at him.

"Hey, anything?" I said standing up, walking over to him. I tried to read his face but he's just like Emily.

"S-she.. She uh-" he said stuttering.

"She what Marco?" I demanded as my eyes started burning with tears. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them and looking at me.

"She didn't make it.. Doctors said she lost too much blood. It was straight through and through.. I'm sorry Jennifer, they did everything they could to save her." I stood there as a tear ran down my face. I felt so sick to my stomach. The last thing I heard was Marco yelling my name before everything went black.



Hotch has some explaining to do!!

Y'all ain't ready for the next chapter 😈 shit is about to get so fucking WILD. I'm too hype, y'all stay tuned 😘😎

Oh & what news does Jennifer have to share, is it business or personal? 👀 guess you'll have to wait and see 😘😈

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