Chapter Ten

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April 20th, 2020
Charlottesville, Virginia
Jareau "Jones" Household

It's been about 10 days since my date with Emily. We've texted here and there but she was currently out of town for "business". So, we haven't been able to hang out again. I had an amazing night with her and I wanted more time with her. I was currently getting ready for work. I decided on jeans today since it was Friday. I slipped my black skinny jeans on with my white blouse. I rushed into the bathroom brushing my hair before running my flat irons through it. I did my makeup and slipped my black heels on.

I grabbed my phone going downstairs. I grabbed my purse placing my school stuff into it. I pulled my perfume out and sprayed some on me. I went into the kitchen making me some coffee and grabbing a banana. I grabbed my stuff going out to my car. I locked the house up from my phone before pulling off.

Before I climbed out of my car, my phone pinged with a message,

"Come over tonight. I want to see you." - Emily

I smiled wide as I read the message. I couldn't wait to see her.

"Okay. I can't wait."

I grabbed my things, climbing out of the car. I made my way inside to my classroom. I still had 20 minutes before the kids came. I wiped the board clean before starting to write the lesson for the day down. I was also eating on my apple. I couldn't help but let my mind wonder to Emily. I was really attracted to her, she just has this.. I don't even know how to explain it. She makes me feel warm.

"Ms. Jones" I heard Principal Miller said coming into my room.

"Good morning, how can I help you?"

"I was just checking in with you, making sure you're still comfortable with everything." I smiled softly at her.

"Yes, everything is going good. Thank you for asking."

"That's good. Also, I was wondering if you were available for dinner tonight? My treat"

"I'm sorry, I already have plans that I can't cancel, how about lunch Monday? My treat"

"Sounds like a plan. I'll let you get back to work" I waved at her as she walked out. She was really attractive too. I sighed and turned back to the board, finishing up.


"You think she'll notice the gunshot wound?" I asked Marco as we sat around my office, smoking. We just arrived back to Virginia after a trip to Italy. Things went left and that's how I got shot, no need to go into details.

"It's not the first time you've been shot. But, just be careful tonight if y'all decide to do anything. Also, thank you for giving us all the night off. Well, weekend. Are you sure you're gonna be okay without us?" I waved him off as I lit another blunt up. I hated taking pain pills so this is my idea of medication.

"Yeah, I'll be good. I have ground security here if anything happens. I just want alone time with Jennifer before she finds out about everything we do. Can't run her off just yet"


Jennifer was due at my place at any moment. It was 7:30 right now. I was nervous to say the less and I know you're wondering, how can a mafia boss be this nervous to hang out with someone? Well, it's very simple. Jennifer is a fucking goddess.

I was in the kitchen finishing our dinner up when the doorbell went off. I turned everything off and quickly made my way to the door. I fixed myself in the mirror and took a deep breath before opening the door. I let my eyes run over her figure, taking in the dress she had on. She was trying to kill me, I'm sure of it.


I arrived at Emily's and sat in the driveway for the longest staring at her house. I'm really hoping that we have sex tonight, if I'm being honest. The dress I put on should help with that. I sprayed some of my perfume and got out of the car, grabbing my purse. I took a deep breath and made my way up to the door. I rang the doorbell and waited, not even 30 seconds later the door flew open.

I gulped as I ran my eyes over Emily's figure. Fuck, I have I told you guys how much I love Emily in suits? I LOVE her in suits. It's my new favorite thing now.

"Hi" I said smiling at her.

"Hey, come in" she said stepping aside, letting me in. I brushed past her, swaying my hips. I stood in the foyer, waiting on her to come to me. I heard the door close then the sound of her shoes walking over to me. "Come, let's go to the kitchen." She places her hand on the small of my back, guiding me to the kitchen.

The table was set with candles and flowers. A bottle of wine chilling in the center. Whatever she cooked smelled amazing.

"Did you cook for me?" I asked as we walked over to the table. She pulled my chair out and I sat down.

"I did, I hope you like chicken"

"You can never go wrong with chicken" she chuckled as she went over to make our plates. She walked back over placing them down. "This looks so delicious" it was chicken Parmesan with spaghetti noodles. My favorite meal actually.


"Yes please"

"A personal favorite, 1990 Masseto Toscana." I watched as she poured our glasses before she finally took a seat. We picked up the wine glasses and sipped.

"Mmm. That's delicious"

"Let's eat" I cut into the chicken, taking a bite. The moan I let out was probably too loud but the food was amazing. We talked all the way through dinner. Her chair ending up beside mine as we shared a piece of cake she baked. I was getting tipsy from the wine we've been drinking. We were on our second bottle. My legs were crossed and I was turned towards her, my foot touching her leg. Her arm resting on the back of my chair. I was leaned closely into her.

I could feel the heat coming off of our bodies as we sat there. Her hand came over and started rubbing against my thigh. I looked down at it before looking back up at her.

"What are you doing?" I whisper out, not trusting my voice. I was so turned on. I'm glad it's the weekend.

"Hopefully you"



I don't know why I tease y'all like this 💀

Y'all gonna stop liking me!

Stayed tuned for the smut in the next chapter I guess 😂💀

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