Chapter Five

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April 4th, 2020
Quantico, Virginia
BAU - 6th Floor

Today is the day. I start my undercover work with Emily. We were going over everything right now. Garcia had erased everything about Jennifer Jareau from every database there is. I am now Jennifer Jones, I wanted to keep my nickname JJ. I'm from York, Pennsylvania. I'm a second grade teacher at the private school in Emily's neighborhood. I moved to Virginia to get away from my abusive boyfriend.

"Okay, let's go over this again before we head out. JJ is a second grade teacher that moved to Virginia to get away from her abusive boyfriend. Now, she's going to show back up at the club and get the attention of Emily once again. That's when you get close to her JJ. Tell her about everything and hopefully she invites you home or out again. Tara is going to be posing as the bartender once again. We were lucky enough to actually get her a job there. Luke and Derek will be construction workers at a local site down the street from Emily's place."

"Dave and I will be soccer coaches at a local YMCA while Garcia and Reid work at a internet coffee shop.  As you guys know we won't have JJ in our sight for most of the time but the times we do we have to be very aware and observant. She will pass messages through Tara, Reid, and Garcia. She will befriend you guys as we go through this. Now the phone you have will have fake numbers but also our new numbers. If at any time you feel unsafe contact us ASAP."

"Any questions or concerns?" Hotch asked after we soaked in the information. We all shook our heads. "Okay, we head out in 3 hours. Make sure you have everything together here at home then meet at the airport. JJ meet me in my office" with that he left.

Everyone left while I headed to Hotch's office.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked coming into the office, he signaled for me to close the door and blinds. After I did that I sat in the chair in front of his desk.

"I want you to know we are here no matter what, okay? I realize that going undercover can be difficult and very uncomfortable. If you happen to fall in love with her, we won't look at you any differently. But know once that happens we will still try and take her down, doesn't matter if you help us or not. Have you let Will know what's going on?"

"Yes, he knows what's going on. He isn't happy about it but he doesn't have much say. And Hotch I won't fall in love with her, it's apart of the job. I'm still dating Will." He nodded in understanding.

"Okay, that's all I wanted. I'll see you at the airport." I nodded and got up leaving his office. I let out the air I was holding and went to my office. I stood in the doorway looking around. I wondered if I would come back to this job after being undercover. Would I really fall in love with her? I grab my purse and finally leave the BAU for God knows how long. This could take weeks, months, YEARS even.

Once I made it to the parking garage I got into my car driving to Will and I's place to pack my suitcase. My other clothes and stuff were already at my place in Charlottesville. I sighed when I saw Will's car outside. I let out a deep breath as I climb out of my car going inside.

I try to go upstairs but he stops me by walking out of the kitchen, "So, you're really going through with it?"

"Will I have to. It's my job."

"No, your job is to be the communications liaison" I sighed and pushed past him going upstairs. I was hoping he stayed downstairs but he followed me.

"You know.. back when this first started I was going to ask you to marry me on Valentines but then you got caught up with this case. You barely gave me attention. I love you Jennifer, so much" I stop packing and go over to him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry baby, I am. I love you much and I can't wait to be your wife. To have your kids running around here." He smiles at me and I get butterflies. I really don't want to leave him. "So, ask me" I sat quietly.

"Jennifer Andrea Jareau, will you marry me?" I smile biting my lip. I nod my head as tears run down my face.

"Of course I'll marry you Will" he picks me up and I let out a laugh, I wrap my legs around his waist as he pins me against the door. "Fuck me Will" I whisper against his lips.

"Mm, with pleasure"


Washington, DC
Will & Jennifer's Place

I woke up around 7 o'clock. I was still tangled up with Will after we fucked for about half an hour. I untangled myself from him and got up going into the bathroom, I turn the shower on and let it warm up. I stand in front of the mirror staring at myself. This was the last few moments that I get to be Jennifer Jareau, communications liaison for the FBI. Once I step off the plane I'm Jennifer Rose Jones from York, Pennsylvania.

I step into the shower and let the hot water burn my skin. I wash every inch of my body trying to stop from feeling anxious. After my shower, I get out and dry my body off before putting lotion on. I don't do anything to my hair or face. I go into the room and get dressed so I can head to the airport. I give Will a kiss and leave quickly so he doesn't wake up.


I'm the last one to arrive to the airport. I get settled on the couch and lay down, my back facing everyone.  I listen to everyone as they get settled into their seats, talking to one another. I play with the ring on my finger running everything through my head.

I was putting myself into a dangerous situation doing this. Anything could happen. They could find out my real identity and kill me. They could take me away from the states and nobody would know where I am. I let every bad thought run through my mind.

I finally made myself go to sleep.

There's no turning back now.


UH-OH, ITS HERE. Holy shit. Buckle up.

Grab your snacks, your tissues, charger, whatever you may need.

I'm about to take y'all through all kinds of shit and emotions. We are introducing new things into this story that will test everything we've ever known 😈

Be prepared for some pretty hardcore smut and kinks.

Stay tuned! ♥️

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