Chapter Two

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February 1st, 2020
Charlottesville, Virginia
The Prentiss Family Estate

After 4 weeks of getting everything moved to Virginia, we can finally start making our presence known. I had a few soldatos out right now getting business taken care of. There were few stores that we already set up shop in. They were marked with a symbol establishing our presence within the neighborhood.

"I'm think I'm gonna have Johnny "make one's bones" tonight. It's time for him to gain credibility within the family. He needs to earn my respect back" I said to Marco as we sat in my office.

"Are you sure boss?"

"I'm positive because you're going with him and if anything happens, you're dying first, am I clear?"

"Clear boss" I gave him a sticky note with a name, address, and time.

"Just take him for a ride"

"You got it boss" he got up leaving my office. I leaned back in my chair letting out a sigh. My life used to be so different before I took over for mio nonno. I was in college, playing sports, and enjoying life.

Now, I call the shots, I'm the "Don". Whatever I say goes. I've never been in a serious relationship either, I just sleep with woman after woman, I typically go for blondes, they're always fun. My life is actually pretty boring, I sit around the house all day unless I'm needed for a meeting or business deals, but other than that Marco and the soldatos handle all the work while I make all the money. It honestly felt good to be this rich.

I'm guessing you wanna know what I look like right? I look like your typical lesbian. Tattoos, long black hair, pale, and tall. I don't work out but I'm very fit. I might show you guys a picture later.

But, for now I have to go see my grandmother, she recently moved here to be with my parents. She was my grandmother on my moms side. I grabbed my keys and made my way out of the house climbing into one of the many cars I had.

As I made my way down the street I saw some guys messing with a young girl. I pulled over and slipped my sunglasses on as I grabbed my gun, I stepped out of the car walking over. I whistled to get their attention. One walked towards me.

"What the fuck do you want?!" He yelled getting int my face. I let him, I smirked as I stared down at him.

"Leave the girl alone" he pushes against my chest and I stumble back. I suck my teeth because I hate being touched let alone pushed. I pulled my gun out pointing it at his face. I looked at his friends that still had the girl pinned against the wall.

"If I were I would leave now, because what's about to happen to your friend can happen to you" I cocked the gun putting it against his forehead. "Any last words you wanna say?"

"I'll leave her alone man, I won't brother anybody else please, I'm begg-" BANG. I pointed the gun at his knee at the last second shooting him, he let out a scream as his friends ran away leaving the girl.

I slide my gun into the back of my pants as I walked over to her, "Hey you okay?" I held my hand out to her, she looked at with tears in her eyes. "I won't hurt you, I swear" she slowly put her hand out placing it in mine.

"What's your name princess?" She has to be about 10 years old.


"Hannah, that's a pretty name. Do you live around here?" I picked her up walking back to my car. I placed her in the passenger seat before getting in myself.

"Yes, I was going to the store for my mommy, she doesn't feel good" I handed her some tissues to wipe her face.

"Okay, can you tell me where you live?" I put the car in drive and followed her directions. Her mom was outside when we pulled up. I got out of the car and went around letting Hannah out.

"Mommy!" She yelled as she ran over to her. I slowly followed behind her.

"Thank you so much! What do I owe you?"

"Nothing ma'am, but I would like to help you out, if you can help me out" I slipped my hand in my pocket and slide a wade of money out showing her. Her eyes widen as she stood up.

"Follow me" I smile and follow her into the house.


I finally made it to my parents place at 8:30pm, super late.

"Emilia you're late!" My grandmother said as I walked through the door. I could smell the homemade pasta they were making. I walked over to her giving her a kiss on the head.

"I apologize nonna, it won't happen again. I had some business to take care of" my nonna didn't know that I was the biggest mafia boss in Italy. She thought I ran a big oil company.

"I guess I will let it slide this time. Where's Marco? He needs to be eating, he's all skin and bones, just like you. And what's with all the tattoos?! Giuro che questa generazione ti farà cadere i capelli!" She said moving away from me to finish dinner. I laughed as I grabbed a grape walking over to mother.

"Ciao madre" I leaned down and pressed a kiss against her cheek. She smiled at me.

"Hello darling, how are things?" I sat down beside her as she did some work.

"We are doing okay. Business is steady and we are moving in on some suppliers and buyers. Johnny is out with Marco right now. When does dad come back from his business trip?"

"Tomorrow dear. He's excited to see you, he said he got you some gifts"

"Oh excellent" we sat around talking until Marco and Johnny finally joined us. Everything went accordingly to plan for the hit.

We had a wonderful dinner with them before returning to the family manor to go over business.

We move in on to our real mission tomorrow.



Stay tuned for more and bare with me as I write this story! I hope you're enjoying, if there's anything you wanna see, comment or message me!

Love you babies ♥️😘

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