Chapter Seven

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April 7th, 2020
Charlottesville, Virginia
Jones "Jareau" Household

I got up at 5:30am Monday morning to get ready for my first day at work. I spent all night getting some assignments together that the teacher sent me. We were telling the students that she went on a vacation, we were paying her very well for letting us do this. I also got a list of names to tell me what students I have.

I decided on a black long sleeve shirt, a black and white plaid pencil skirt paired with my white heels. I went into the bathroom fixing my hair and doing my makeup quickly. I grabbed my phone heading downstairs. I went into the kitchen and fixed myself some oatmeal and a glass of water. I sat at the bar I had and strolled through my phone.

After I ate I went into the downstairs bathroom and brushed my teeth. I went back into the kitchen and packed my YSL purse with my computer and all my paperwork. I fixed me a Togo coffee and grabbed everything I needed going out to my car. I turned the radio on listening to a podcast.

I was a little nervous for this. I mean, I always talk to kids on cases. The little girls see me a princess and always wants to play with my hair. Once I arrived to school, I pulled into my assign place and got my stuff going inside. I knew where everything was already. We had did a walkthrough when we first started the assignment. Kevin was watching the cameras from home base.


St. Anne's-Belfield School
Room 100

I arrived at my classroom and went inside, getting everything set up. This school was so beautiful. My room was facing the front of the school, we did that on purpose. I walked around the classroom, looking at all the decorations the previous teacher had put up. I jumped when there was a knock at the door.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you" Principal Miller said. She was a woman of about 40 years old. Blonde and obviously gay. She wore suits and loafers. She was really attractive.

"Haha, it's fine. Still not used to this" she chuckles walking further into the room.

"I bet. Well, if you need anything, my door is always open. But, I came to grab you so we can greet the kids in." I grabbed my room keys and followed her outside. Parent after parent dropped their kid off until a familiar car pulled up.

My eyes widen a little when I saw Emily get out of the car, helping a little girl out. I was towards the back so she didn't see me.

"Have a good day at school princess. Remember Marco is going to come get you" she said to this little girl.

"Okay Emmy" they gave each other a hug before the little girl ran inside. Emily climbed back into the car leaving. I didn't know she had a child? I'll have to get in contact with someone from the team to let them know.

After greeting all the kids we make our way back into the school, I head to my class room to get started for the day. And guess who's in my class? The little girl that was with Emily. I'll have to keep an eye on her.

"Good morning class! I'm your temporary teacher Ms. Jones. Mrs. Andersen will be out for a little bit. We are going to start with roll then a simple worksheet." I found out that the girls name was Hannah White, no relation to Emily. So, who is she?


"I have to find her Marco, she can't be a ghost again" I said to Marco as I paced around my home office. I've been thinking about Jennifer since the mall. How can someone be this hard to find?

"Well she said she got a new job.. As a teacher right?"

"That's right. But, where? I don't even know her last name!" I sighed heavily as I sat down in my office chair. I lit the blunt that rested in the ashtray.

"I guess we will have to drive around until we find her.." Marco said. We spent the rest of the day going over paperwork for the new club we are opening. We had found this old wear house that would also act as a place for us to do our illegal activities.

Around 2:30pm, Marco left to get Hannah from school.


I walked Hannah out of class, hoping to see Emily.

"Ms. Jones, there's my ride" she said grabbing my hand. She basically dragged me to the car. I was a little disappointed when I didn't see Emily.

"Marco!! This is Ms. Jones, she's my new English teacher! Isn't she pretty?!" She said once we reached Marco. I saw his eyes widen a little when he noticed me but didn't say anything.

"She is pretty! Did you have a good day at school?"

"Yes! Can we get ice cream?"

"Of course princess, get in" I watch as Hannah climbs into the car. Marco took one last look at me before getting into the car. I let out the breath I was holding and made my way back into the school.

I took the computer out I had there and opened up a new message thread to the team.

"Emily had a child with her this morning. Hannah White. She's about 6 or 7. I don't think the girl is hers though. Keep me updated when you find out anything."

I closed the laptop and packed my bag. I closed and locked my classroom door behind me as I left for the day. As I was walking down the hallway, I heard my name being called out. I turned and noticed Principal Miller jogging towards me.

"Hey, just wanted to see how your first day was?" We started walking to the parking lot.

"It went amazing. Those kids are very smart and well mannered. I'm actually excited to teach them."

"That's good to hear. Well, if you're ever free, I would love to grab lunch or something with you" Oh no, this can't be happening.

"Sure, I'll let you know.. I'll see you in the morning" I left her standing at the door and made my way to my car quickly. I climbed in and sighed heavily. I started my car and pulled out my space heading home. I stopped at Chick-fil-A and got me a chicken salad first.

Once I got home, I went upstairs to my room to take a shower. I thought about Emily again. Every time I see her, she's looks more and more attractive. I couldn't wait to be alone with her honestly and I hope that happens soon.

I let my hand wander down my stomach until it arrived between my legs. I gasped when I felt wetness that wasn't from the shower.

I let myself get lost as I thought about her. I had two orgasms during that shower. Maybe Hotch was right..


AHH, the babies have seen each other again.

Do you think Emily will show up to the school to see her?

How should they meet? When should they meet? Hold off a little longer or make it happen?


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