Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up to loud talking the next morning. I turned towards the clock looking at the time. 8:30am. I sighed and got up, slipping my robe on. I made my way out of her room and down the stairs. I saw Emily standing with 2 men in the living room.

"Boss, we got another issue. There's been rumors of feds being in town.." I swallowed hard when they say that. Knots start forming in my stomach. "We gotta step up on security and get new weapons in"

"Okay, get everyone to the warehouse ASAP. Marco will meet you there to go over things and I'll meet with everyone later on" I make my way downstairs as they leave. Pretending that I just got up.

"Mm, is everything okay?" I say fake yawning.

"Hey, yeah.. I have to work today and I need a favor from you."

"Yeah, what's up?

"Hannah starts soccer today at the YMCA and I was supposed to take her but I was wondering if you could take her?"

"Sure, I don't mind. Will you be working all day?"

"Should be back around 6 no later than 7pm, I'll have security get you a key card ready. Hannah can come back here when y'all are done."

"Okay, would you like some breakfast before you leave?" She walks over to me and pulls me into her arms. I wrap mine around her neck, her hands are around my waist, holding me close.

"Mm, the only breakfast I want is you" I let out a quiet sigh when she kisses my neck.

"Well, lucky for you, I'm an all you can eat buffet" she chuckles against my neck and pulls back.

"Come on, let's go upstairs so we can get ready. I'll plan a special date for us tonight."

"I love the sound of that"


I picked Hannah up around 11am so we could head to the YMCA. Hotch and Rossi were going to be there since they were acting as soccer coaches. It's amazing how everything is falling in line with one another. Maybe this case won't take forever.

"Alright! Good morning everyone! I'm your head coach Aaron Witherspoon and this is my assistant, David Greene. Today we are going to be practicing a few kicking moves and as well as passing the ball. Is everyone ready?"

"YEAHH!" The kids yelled. I smiled and stepped back as they practiced.

"Which one is yours?" Aaron asked sitting beside me after about 30 minutes.

"Number 7, Hannah White" we both stared at her as she ran across the field, laughing with the other kids.

"Don't get attached.." he whispered before getting up walking back to the field. I wanted to say "Too late for that"

My phone pinged as I watched the practice. I pulled it out and my eyes widen at the text message.

"I'm coming to see you" - Will

How the hell did he get this number? I kept looking at the message, rereading it over and over. He's going to mess up everything. My heart started racing as I thought of a way to reply, I can't out myself through messages.

I got up and walked around to the back of the bleachers. I dialed his number using *67.


"You can not come here, what the hell is your problem? Did you forget that I'm undercover"

"No, I did not forget. I wanted to see my future wife." I rolled my eyes. He's so fucking stupid sometimes.

"Will.. Emily is a dangerous mafia boss, if she finds out who I am, I'm dead and so is everyone else in this investigation. So, I suggest that you stay in Washington"

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