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amira jane snape

i woke up to the sound of onyx' voice and she seemed to be wildly complaining about something. as i peeked my eye open, she was charging through the room. "what is that damn noise!" the girl exclaimed in anger when i sat up on my bed.

"good morning to you, too, sunshine" i said sleepily, yawning. i felt pretty great, to be honest. in comparison to the previous few days.

"where were you last night!?" she questioned, but was soon interrupted by loud knocks at the window.

so she raged over and opened it, snatching a letter as she rolled her eyes, tossing it my way. "are you owling someone who owns a whole country?! that fucking owl had a bloody golden necklace on, i swear" she huffed, making me frown before i read the exterior of the paper in my hand.

malfoy manor
narcissa malfoy

to: amira jane snape
dormitory room number 14

for a second, i questioned what the letter could possibly reveal. i was really hoping for some good news.

"wasn't that the malfoy's owl?" luce stupidly questioned from the corner, making me huff in response. i still was not planning on making up with her anytime soon.

as i opened the expensive parchment that was folded exactly in half, i examined narcissa's handwriting. it had always been so bloody beautiful.

to my dearest amira,

good morning, amira. i hope this letter finds you well. don't worry, i am not going to become some sort of a pen pal. but this urgent message couldn't wait until you get back to the manor.

lately, i am really worried about draco's behavior. you may or may not have noticed, but only from the messy writing in his letters i can clearly tell he is not in good conditions at the moment.

i don't have enough time to explain the current situation at the moment, but lorenzo probably does. give him this letter with my permission and trust and please do not forget to burn it right after that!

do not panic or try to help my son, please. i don't want to cause any more troubles than the ones that already exist.

and most important. you and lorenzo have to keep this to yourselves.

lots of love,

my face probably went completely pale after reading narcissa's message. i had already noticed changes in draco's behavior, but i really did not think it was that bad.

"what did she say?" onny asked, but i just gave her a look that made her understand i couldn't tell.

"alright, so where the fuck were you last night? theos?" she grinned, making me rethink of the previous night that i had spent with enzo down at the black lake.

i shook my head, getting up from my bed to check the time to notice there was a bit of time left before classes would start. and i needed to see enzo.

"black lake" i quickly responded, putting on my school uniform in fast pace, not bothering to put on any make-up for a usual, boring school day.

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