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(a/n: the song i added literally belongs to enzo and amira idc)

amira jane snape

transfiguration class with mc gonagall. same shit every single tuesday morning, the only class i would not sit next to lorenzo since i was the only one of our friend group with this shitty schedule. even though i could get use of enzo then, my mind was everywhere but in that room.

"miss snape!" the old lady who was stood in front of my desk exclaimed, making me jump in my seat a bit.

my mouth gaped open and closed again, i didn't even realize she had asked me something. "excuse me, professor, could you please repeat it?" i questioned, sitting up straight, acting like i've been mentally present the whole time - which i obviously wasn't.

"avifors spell." the woman repeated, staring straight into my eyes, which was really fucking intimidating.

i stuttered a bit, clearing my throat as i was trying my hardest to think "umm.. it's uhmm.." hermione's hand had been raised the whole time while i was struggling to even form a word. why couldn't she ask her? "it is what?"

"i don't know." i breathed out in defeat, watching her face expression slightly change to somewhat more angered.

"ten points from slytherin. this is the easiest i could have asked and your knowledge about it seems to be non-existent." mc gonagall stated, making me mutter underneath my breath. "your brain is certainly not here in this classroom at the moment."

i rolled my eyes, watching her pick hermione who was already nervously waving in the air. bloody know it alls. typical grangers.

"it's a spell that is used to transfigure objects or creatures into birds!" she exclaimed and the professor nodded proudly, glancing over at me with a look. the fuck was i supposed to say?

please leave me alone, one of my closest friends just suddenly became a death eater, i don't have the fucking nerves let alone the patience to even think about your bloody class?

of course not.

i grabbed my books and stood up from the table. "excuse me.." i said quietly, staring down at my feet before i left the room without any other words said.


i had been sitting on a bench in the corridors for quite a bit of time. there were barely any students passing by, thankfully. they all were in their classes, except me.

my mind was just all over the place, if i was honest. i did not think the letter i got from narcissa was going to be that serious, and the thought of having to know what malfoy's task actually was would not leave my mind.

i had always been like this, i worried a lot for my friends and i would do anything to protect each of them at all costs. the fact i couldn't do anything to help draco or protect him from voldemort's special needs was horrifying to me.

as i attempted to get back to my dorm, i just came around the corner when i heard a strange noise of a door closing, but i was quite sure there was no door. i had been going to that exact school for six years, i would definitely know.

but there was a door.

was i going fucking mad?

it began to fade away as i quickly pulled the giant door open and rushed inside. i needed to know what was going down in there - probably a good way to get rid of the worry for a bit of time.

𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒍 ; lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now