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amira jane snape

the rest of the lesson was going by slowly, i was still shocked about the scent of my amortentia and by lorenzo's face expression alone, i could tell i was clearly feeding his ego with describing his signature scent. "fuck" i muttered underneath my breath, burying my face into my hands as we made our ways out of the dark potions class room. and i felt like enzo was following my every step. gosh, i wanted to internally punch myself.

"miss snape, mr berkshire" my father announced, making me freeze in my position.

"yeah?" we both said in unison, walking toward him as the other people were already leaving the classroom.

i didn't need to be alone with enzo, not right fucking now.

snape glanced from one of us to the other hectically.

just say what you have got to say.

"your bickering in class combined with your attendance, amira," my father said, pointing at me at the last part of his sentence, "passing notes doesn't make you pay more attention, mr. berkshire." he turned to enzo, who clearly was filled of more fear that second than he had ever shown his entire life.

"detention for the next five days. both of you. and you are switching seats with ron in my class from now on, amira" he demanded, glaring at us with a bitter expression. i pulled a face. don't make me sit next to hermione.

when i glanced over at lorenzo, i was not a tad bit surprised that he wasn't convinced of sitting next to a weasley either.

"you may leave now, berkshire." my father said, allowing him to go. which he obeyed to quickly.

severus then sat back down in his seat, signalling for me to sit in the opposite one. "come on, mira, tell me about your summer." he said, in a softer tone than he did before. whenever we were alone he seemed to become somewhat more vulnerable.

so i told him everything. i told him how impressed i was by the weasley's way of living, how i wasn't used to such circumstances, but the way the weasley'd were handling it was truly impressive.

he just listened, letting a tiny smile creep onto his lips every now and then.

"have i ever told you- you have the smile of your mother" the man commented, making a shiver run down my spine. and i know i wasn't the only one whose heart was aching at the thought of that.


once i had finally reached my dorm again, i literally plopped into my bed. my body immediately relaxed when it met the comfortable mattress, and every small bit of stress seemed to ease.

that was until onyx spoke up.

"luce, since when do you fancy draco?" she said i question, curiosity clearly written on her face.

"i.. i don't-" the girl tried to find a way out of this conversation, but onny wouldn't let go of it so quick.

"luce you've always been a bad liar, you know" i giggled, watching her face turn pink.

"oh have i? so what's up between you and enzo? didn't you clearly smell each other in the amortentia?" luce dug deep, trying to change the topic from her to me as quick as possible.

onyx was sitting there, pretending to have a large bowl of popcorn, watching a movie.

i scoffed in return. "bullshit." what was i going to say. "enzo might smell like that, but you don't understand, seriously. he's my best friend. hear that? best friend. besides, i'm not quite sure, any quidditch player could smell like that. but i can 100% assure you it wasn't lorenzo, i know his scent too well for that." i said independently, making onny raise her brows and lucille's smirk turn bland.

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