Chapter Five - Before You Go

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Chapter Five - Before You Go


The next morning, Elayne woke up to an empty bed. She sat up, frowning. As she glanced around the room, brushing curls away from her face to see better, she spotted Tom by the wardrobe.

"What are you doing?" She asked, drowsily.

Tom turned to look at her, his lips twitching a bit, like he was about to smile.

"Packing." Was his simple answer.

Brows pinching together, Elayne got out of bed, wandering over to him. "Packing for what?"

"One of the artifacts I've been searching for, has turned up. So, I'm going to go and retrieve it." Tom replied, flicking his wand and sending clothing into a trunk that was sitting open next to the wardrobe.

Sighing, Elayne ran a hand through her mane of curls, pushing them out of her face. "Well, where are you going? How long do you think you'll be gone for?"

Tom hummed in response. "Albania. I'll probably be gone for four or five days."

Elayne didn't respond, she just watched as he put clothes into the trunk.

"I leave for my trip in three days." Elayne reminded him quietly.

Nodding, Tom walked to the bathroom, flicking his wand at various items and sending them into the trunk. "I know."

Bowing her head, Elayne chewed on her bottom lip. "Are you angry with me?" She spoke, voice barely above a whisper.

Eyebrow raised, Tom turned to look at her. "Why, pray tell, would I be angry with you?"

Elayne shook her head, bottom lip still working between her teeth. "I don't know..."

Seeing this, Tom walked over and pulled her lip out from between her teeth with his thumb. Glaring, he said, "Stop doing that."

"I'm sorry. It's habit." Elayne said, glancing up at him.

"A habit I had thought I had broken you from." Tom said, walking away from her and over to his trunk.

Elayne didn't say anything, just watched as Tom finished packing up his trunk. "When will you be leaving?" She asked, deciding not to comment on his last statement.

Tom turned and looked at her. "Right after breakfast."

A small smile graced Elayne's lips. Nodding, she walked into the bathroom, calling over her shoulder, "I'll just get ready really quick and then we can go down together."

She then began moving around the bathroom, brushing her teeth and hair. Next, she walked to the wardrobe and pulled out a dress for the day. She went with a navy, short sleeved dress with small white polka dots. She grabbed a pair of navy sandals and walked to the door of their room, turning and smiling at Tom. "Let's go!"


A few days later, Elayne and her friends were walking around Paris, in search of a wedding dress for Elayne.

As the group entered their fourth shop, they heard an all too familiar voice.

"I need this no later than November first, Marie!"

Olivia's eyes went straight to Elayne's while Sarah let out a groan.

"Shush! Don't be rude." Abigail scolded.

Kimberly snickered. "No one cares, Abby. That girl is the biggest bitch to ever grace the wizarding world."

All five girls turned their gaze towards the desk, where none other than Evangline stood.

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