Chapter Nineteen - You Don't Know

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Chapter Nineteen - You Don't Know


It had been almost three months since Elayne and Tom had their fight. Tom was currently away doing Merlin knows what. Elayne was currently curled up in bed, feeling as if she had the flu.

Elayne groaned as a wave of nausea flowed through her. She jerked the blankets off of herself and bolted for the toilet, making it just in time.

Once she was sure that she wasn't going to be sick again, Elayne flushed the toilet, washed her hands, and rinsed out her mouth.

She had been getting sick on and off for about a week now and while she tried to reassure herself that it was just the flu, in the back of her mind, Elayne knew what it really was.

Sighing, she shuffled back into the bedroom and over to the wardrobe. She pulled out a dress and changed out of her pajamas, leaving them in a heap on the floor. She slid on some shoes and sighed once more. She walked to the fireplace and threw a handful of floo powder in. Once the flames were emerald green, Elayne stepped in and said, "St. Mungos. Third floor."

When she stepped out of the fire, Elayne went straight for the small reception desk.

The elderly woman that sat behind it looked up at her with a smile. "What can I help you with, dear?"

Biting her bottom lip, Elayne said, "I need to see Olivia Harris please."

The woman tilted her head a tiny bit. "May I ask for what reason?"

"I think I may be pregnant." Elayne whispered, wringing her hands together.

There was a twinkle in the elderly woman's eyes as she nodded at a small row of chairs to the right of the desk. "Have a seat and I'll have her up here in a flash."

"Thank you." Elayne smiled, tucking a curl behind her ear. She walked over and sat down, leaning her head back against the wall, enjoying the cool feeling it was giving off.

"Laynie? What's wrong?" Olivia rushed over to her a few moments later.

Elayne slowly stood up. "I'm fine. I just think... I think I may be..." She waved a hand towards her stomach.

Olivia gasped and pulled Elayne through a door leading to a row of rooms. She walked into one and shut the door. "Let's get you a test and see if you're correct." She said smiling.


What felt like hours later, but was really only a few minutes, Olivia had come into the room and told Elayne that she was indeed pregnant. After a crying session between the two girls, Elayne had made her way to her parents' house. She had sent a quick floo message to both her family and to Albus Dumbledore, asking that they all meet there.

After standing outside in the cold for a few moments, Elayne made her way inside.

"Hello?" Elayne called.

"We're all in here, Laynie!" Tina called from the living room.

Taking a deep breath, Elayne walked to the living room. Once inside she saw both of her brothers, her sister-in-law, her parents, and Dumbledore.

"What is it that you needed to speak to us about, Elayne? I've got an important case that I'm working on. I really need to get back to it." Eli said, crossing his arms from where he was sitting on the arm of the couch.

Swallowing back the lump in her throat, her eyes turned towards Albus. There was a twinkle in his blue eyes, almost as if he already knew what she was going to say.

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