Chapter Fourteen - Numb

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Chapter Fourteen - Numb


The weeks went by quickly, turning into months. Tom had successfully created what he called his 'dark mark'. The mark that he would use to call upon his followers whenever he needed them.

In the last week or so, Tom had been away. He had briefly told Elayne that it was for business. This had caused a small fight to break out between the husband and wife. Elayne had been trying to spend more time with Tom, while Tom was trying to distance himself from his wife.

Elayne was currently pacing the library. Malfoy, Avery, and Nott were all sat at the table, watching her with cautious eyes. Lestrange was over by the fireplace, sending a message to someone via floo.

Letting out a scream in frustration, Elayne whipped around to look at the four men. "What do you mean that he's going to be gone for another TWO weeks?" She snarled, directing her harsh glare at Lestrange.

Lestrange raised an eyebrow at the girl. "It's exactly as I said. He'll be gone for another two weeks. He said that there is more to be done."

Feeling a wave of rage bubbling up inside of her, Elayne let out another scream and stomped her foot. "He's supposed to be here! He promised me."

Nott snorted, rolling his eyes. "I doubt he ever promised you anything. You're acting like a child. The dark lord has things to do. Being here with you isn't a priority right now."

Elayne froze, her gaze sliding over to Nott. Quicker than any of them could blink, she whipped out her wand, aimed it at Nott, and hollered, "CRUCIO!"

Nott fell from his chair, withering in pain on the floor. Elayne stormed over to him and knelt down. "I'm his wife. I should be a top priority." She stood back up and watched him for a few minutes, a sneer on her face. When she got bored of watching him twitch in pain, she lifted the curse off of him.

Tucking her wand back into its spot, Elayne flounced towards the doors to the library. She was quickly stopped, however, when Lestrange abruptly turned to look at her.

"Get back here!" He roared, causing Elayne to turn around.

Smirking, Elayne crossed her arms. "There a problem?"

Lestrange stormed over to the short, red head and grabbed her arm. "Yes. You are acting like a child." He dragged her over to the table, shoving her down in one of the chairs before turning to the others. "Leave. I'm going to deal with her behavior."

Avery and Nott exited the library rather quickly, while Malfoy hesitated. "What are you going to do?" He asked, his eyes going back and forth between the two.

"It's none of your concern. Go!" Lestrange barked at Malfoy with a glare.

Malfoy held his hands up in surrender. He threw one last look at Elayne before turning and exiting the library.

With everyone gone, Lestrange flicked his wand at the doors, causing them to slam and lock. He then cast a silencing spell on the room.

"Ohhh. Are you going to try to take advantage of me?" Elayne taunted, cackling.

Lestrange grabbed Elayne by the arm again, jerking her up out of her chair. This instantly stopped her laughter.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you? Why have you been acting like..." He paused trying to find the right word, his brow furrowed.

"Like Tom?" She asked, a small smirk on her lips.

Shaking her, Lestrange asked, "Why are you acting this way?"

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