Chapter Seventeen - Cinema

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Chapter 17 - Cinema


When Elayne woke up the next morning, her head felt fuzzy. Her eyes traveled to the empty space on the bed to her right, where Tom usually slept. She reached out and ran her hand over the space and raised an eyebrow when it still felt warm.

Sitting up slowly, Elayne glanced around the room, trying to judge if Tom was still in there or not.

Tom walked out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist, his inky curls wet. When he saw his wife sitting up, he raised an eyebrow. "Good morning."

Swallowing, Elayne's nose wrinkled at how raw and dry her throat felt. "Morning..." She rasped. "What happened yesterday? I can't remember anything..."

Tom hummed at her, walking over and placing a hand on her forehead. "You came down with a fever. You spent all day in bed yesterday." He brushed her curls away from her face and reached for a glass of water that was sitting on her bedside table.

"Drink this." He said, handing the glass to her.

Elayne gingerly took the glass from him and took a sip, almost moaning at how it seemed to instantly soothe her throat. "Thank you." She whispered after taking another few sips.

Nodding, Tom moved to the wardrobe and pulled out an outfit for himself.

Elayne watched as her husband dropped his towel and started dressing, her cheeks turning pink as she gazed at his naked body.

Once dressed, Tom glanced over his shoulder. "Would you like to go out with me for a bit?" He asked, hiding a smirk as he noticed how red his wife was.

Tilting her head, Elayne asked, "Out where?" Her tone was wary.

Humming, Tom walked over and sat on the edge of the bed beside Elayne. "I have some things to take care of." He paused for a moment. "Then I thought we could go to Knockturn Alley."

Brows pinching together, Elayne asked, "What do you need from Knockturn Alley?"

Glancing at her, Tom shook his head. "Nothing you need to worry about."

Elayne flopped back down onto the bed, sighing. "I always worry..."

Tom raised an inky eyebrow at his wife. "Are you coming or not?"

"I suppose I'll come with you." Elayne said, sitting back up. She slowly stood from the bed and walked towards the bathroom. "Give me a few minutes to get ready?" She asked, glancing at her husband.

"Meet me in the library in ten minutes." Tom uttered as he walked out the bedroom door.

Sighing for what felt like the hundredth time, Elayne walked into the bathroom to start getting ready.


Elayne walked into the library roughly eight minutes later. Her hair was pulled back into a neat bun. She picked an emerald green dress that ended right above her knees.

Tom was waiting by the fireplace, looking impatient. For the first time in a long while, the library was free of the others.

"I'm ready." Elayne said, her tone soft.

Tom whipped around and strode over to his wife, stopping right in front of her. He held out his arm, waiting for her to take it.

Gently, Elayne wrapped her arm around his and with a 'pop' the pair disappeared, only to reappear in front of a small cottage.

"Where are we?" Elayne asked, releasing Tom's arm and holding a hand over her eyes to block out the bright sun.

Tom ignored her, walking up the cobblestone walkway to the front door.

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