Chapter 20: Rondel Pt.2

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(Y/N)'s POV

As I continue listening to the two sisters bicker at one another, I sat down in some restaurant or something with the two siblings and Anna while the rest of the team enjoy themselves while keeping an eye out. With the other two locals with me.

"I will show you I am the better one! I will be the first to marry!"

She says as I simply drank my Water with Anna just sketching on her journal.

"But I already am married."

I suddenly look up at Lelei in confusion and shock.

"I'm sorry Lelei? The last time I checked you weren't and your underage."

I told her as I place the cup of water on the table and start reading letters from my parents.

"Well, you and I completed the three-night ritual. Which means I am married to you."

Anna's eyes widen out with anger and shock as I look at her shocked and confused.


(Don't worry, I am not planning Lelei to marry Him. Jesus fuck im not that messed up

Co-Author: Me neither)


Back in Italica, I woke up beside the locals as I notice them asleep as wiped my eyes.

"Gotta check on the team."

Back in the Base after we returned, we all slept in a field for training, and Lelei was forced to sleep in my tent with Anna.

And on our way to Rondel, she slept on the helicopter beside me.

Present time

"Now wait, Lelei, just because that ritual happened, doesn't mean im your husband. Since it would also need to apply to my culture with it doesn't."

I told her as Lelei hums.

"You make a solid point."

She says as Arpeggio suddenly has hope in her eyes.

"...Will you Marry me?"

She asks as I instantly looked at her with a what the fuck face.

"What did I hear Little (Y/N)~"


I hear Rory and Yao Behind me as Anna quickly pulls me into a kiss, surprising everyone.

As she parts her lips, Anna smirks.

"Sorry Ladies, he's taken."

Anna says as Arpeggio proceeds to have a mental breakdown for not being first in everything.

"...Wait! I can be the first sibling to mate!"

Everyone stayed quiet and stared at her.

"...Major, are you willing to-"


Anna Says as she quickly sits on my lap.

"I also claimed him first."

Anna says with a smirk as I felt uncomfortable

(Forgot to mention, im not writing the weird parts

Co-Author: Hi.)

I felt Junior awaken as Anna moans quietly as she sits on my lap. She quickly sits back down on her chair as we both blush.

Arpeggio proceeds to continue her meltdown.

"...I too also completed the Three-night ritual."

Tuka says quietly as I look at her with surprise.

"Even you?! Jesus fuck?! Why is every woman I talk to trying to fuck me?!"

I say as I notice Anna staring at me blankly as I hear Rory's Halbert tapping the ground behind me.

"Can we move on, please? Yes, im dating Anna, and yes we did have sex."

"18 Times."

Anna says as I turn to her, she looks at me.


She says all of the sudden.


CJ Yells from outside as both my and Anna's blood turn cold.


Arpeggio screams and dumps a drink on Lelei's head

"Hey! What the fuck?!"

I told Arpeggio as she stands up.

"Outside! Duel! Now!"


A crowd gathers as Lelei and Arpeggio prepare to duel with Magic as both me and Anna stay quiet with the rest of the team looking at us with smirks and grins.

As the magic match began, I quickly noticed a man in a good approaching behind the two siblings.

My team also notices it as we prepare.

The man suddenly pulls out a dagger in the middle of the duel and was about to kill Lelei until I quickly raised my rifle.


We all opened fire, our combined armed shredding the man into pieces as we kept firing until he fell on the crowd.

"Cease fire!"

I say as I grab the dagger from the corpse and inspect it.

"...Saderan Markings."


The US Ships can be seen approaching the giant gate object that could easily fit all of them as a storm was over them. As the ships approach the Gate, they prepare to enter.

This was the mark of a new change.

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