Chapter 10: Italica Pt.1

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Well done Lieutenants dismissed."

I exit the Command tent with Anna as we breathe a huge sigh of relief.

"Thought we were gonna get smoked."

I told Anna as she giggles.

"Da, me too."

We walk back to our tent, and I Notice Nate talking to one of the Locals we saved, The Blue Haired one.

"Heads up."

I say as Nate turns to me as we approach the two.

"L.T. Blue Hair wants us to escort her to some city."

Nate says as I Glance at the Blue Haired Girl.

"Please call me Lelei."

She says in her native language that is not English. I look at her with confusion.

"Ma'am, with all due Respect-"

"Your Human Right something Person told me I can ask you."

I quickly shut up, me and Nate quickly turning to each other.

"That goddamn Hippie Officer..."

Nate says, referring to our Human Rights Officer from the UN, sent straight from Geneva to watch over the US-Soviet Troops and make sure No War crimes were made...It was a good thing they weren't here at The Battle of Alnus Hill. They're in charge of Humanitarian Tactical Command...

"Fuck...I Can't Ignore the orders of the UN...That bastard probably told the General."

I say, as for me and Nate look at each other.

"Fuck...Gather the team, Anna get two vehicles ready."

"Got it/Understood."

Time skip

After gathering the Team, We were on a dirt road again. With two trucks this time, only me and my original team remain with Lt. Dan's team remaining at the Hill.

Lelei was Beside me giving directions to the city...Hell, I don't even know why she was going there.

We also have...An extra guest behind me.

As I heard a creepy giggle from the Rock and Roll Fan from the back of the Truck. I look around the beautiful scenery of Falmart.

It took me a moment to start enjoying it, I was used to danger around us in a hell of an Environment...This was Alien to me...It didn't seem real.

I quickly look back on the front and quickly hit the brakes, the back truck following behind.

I open the door on the truck, with Ivan hopping off the back.

"What is it Comrade Lieutenant?"

Ivan asks me as he walks to my side but instantly stops. In the distance, we could see the city...With Smoke.

"Smoke...It's a Battleground."

I say as I turn to Ivan.

"Tell the others to keep High Alert, Weapons ready. We don't know what the hell we're going into."

I told Ivan as he nods, I quickly got back in the truck. Hitting the ceiling of the truck, signaling everyone as we start to drive again.

As the trucks start to approach the giant stone walls and giant wooden doors. I had my M16 ready by my side as I noticed Lelei staying quiet, looking around the truck and my M16 with wonder.

I stop the truck in front of the Giant doors as we Quickly Disembark.

"Setup a Perimeter around the trucks."

I told Anna as I approach the two wooden gates with Lelei by my side. CJ and Price keep aim up the wall for any signs of an Ambush.

"Okay...So do I just knock on it?"

I ask Lelei as she nods.

"Okay then...Doubt my hands can even make a noise."

A flipped my M16 Around, holding the Barrel with my shooting hand and my holding hand holding the stock as I prepare to smack the stock into the door.

Just as I was about to do that the door Opened with inhuman speed, smacking me dead in the head. I quickly stumble back, falling to the ground and dropping my rifle as everyone else turns to my situation.

"Hello! Welcome, to-...Oh."

I groan in pain as I see the person who opened the door.

I groan in pain as I see the person who opened the door

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"...Why does every one of these clothes...are...fucking...stupid..."

I say, placing both of my hands on my head from the impact of the giant fucking door on my forehead.

"God this can't get any worse."

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