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It was a normal day in Vietnam. An Heavily dense jungle can be seen above the blue cloudy sky, it was peaceful. Small Villagers enjoying the day they have...With a Convoy of NVA Troops and Vehicles entering the Small Village.

The Villagers didn't pay no mind ever since South Vietnamese Forces pulled back from this Village, they we're safe, the NVA Will protect them...

"Bombs Away."

Soon the Peace was destroyed by a loud bang and a roaring engine

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Soon the Peace was destroyed by a loud bang and a roaring engine. Soon the tree line of the Village housing the NVA's tent we're now engulfed with Napalm, burning anyone inside as the NVA Troops and Villagers stare in shock at the burning Tree line.

Soon a large Aircraft zoomed pass the village as they quickly realized...


The F-4 Phantom 2 Flew pass the Village after dropping its payload

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The F-4 Phantom 2 Flew pass the Village after dropping its payload. NVA Troops quickly rushed around the Village while Villagers now flee towards the Forest for Safety.

Now to the Horror of the NVA Troops...The thuds of an Helicopter and Music can be heard.

The NVA Troops look at the sky to see...Approaching American Helicopters.


An NVA Officer yells towards his troops as the UH-1 Huey's come closer

An NVA Officer yells towards his troops as the UH-1 Huey's come closer

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(Marine Version of the Huey, Change United States Army to Marines)


A Voice can be heard from one of the Huey's as the Side Gunners on the Huey's open fire towards the NVA Troops on the ground, gunning them to the ground.

A man can be seen on the side of one of the Huey's firing towards the ground with his M16A1. The Young 1st Lieutenant (Y/N) Grant Opened fire towards the NVA Troops.

(Y/N)'s POV


The Pilot shout towards us as an Huey Provides cover fire for us and the four other Huey's landing. As soon as we touched down we got off the chopper.


I yell towards Reed, CJ and the other Marines Accompanying Us we all got off the Huey. 

"GO! GO! GO!"

I quickly raised my M16A1 And aimed towards a group of NVA Soldiers, reloading an Machine Gun. I squeezed the trigger, letting out a three round burst as the rounds hit there mark. As the Three fall dead i signaled to the rest of my Marines to advance.

We slowly advance, looking around the dirt road while looking for any threats around the village. Our mission was to locate an Weapons Cache and dispose of it before the NVA Could use it.

"Got Anything?"

I hear CJ Ask Nathan as Nathan responded with.

"Not a goddamn thing..."

It was too silent...But a slow realization kicked in...None of the Huey's are Firing.


I turn to see an Radio Operator motioning towards the radio. I approached the radio, reaching for it.

"Lieutenant Grant."

I say to the Radio as a gruff voice responds.

"Lieutenant, pull back your Marines now."

I hear my Commander say as confusion takes over me.

"But sir, we got the Gooks on the ru-"

I was cutoff from my commander.

"An Cease Fire has been ordered on both sides. Something Happened in Berlin and the Brass ordered all Engagement To cease fire, NVA Are doing the same."

Soon Multiple NVA Troops quickly rush out of there hiding with there hands up.

"Fire Cease! Fire Cease!"

A NVA Commander shouts towards us as i quickly grabbed the Barrel of Nathan's M16 Which was aimed towards the NVA Troops, pulling it down.

"Hold your Fire."

I told Him as the other Huey's land, all gunfire completely coming to an halt.

"What the hell is going on..."

I mutter to myself, Little did i know. This will be a long Fight.

GATE: The Cold World

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