"Oh, uh, it's just a good luck charm that someone gave me. Nothing crazy," I say, praying that they'll accept that broad answer.

"Oooo, is it from a suitor~" Melvin says nudging my shoulder.

"No, just someone I know."

"Usually someone would say it came from a friend, not 'someone they know'. This person has to be important in a different way," he says.

Damn, he's got me there. But what could I say? I got it from Grayson? I don't even know what we are right now. We've spent too much time together recently for me to say that we're enemies. But I wouldn't consider him my bestie, since I still hate him. So, I guess frenemies? I don't know, shits always confusing with him.

"My guess is that it came from that blonde journalist that he's been talking to during practice," Kai says, wiggling his eyebrows.

Well, that's one theory that I'm willing to go along with.  "A gentleman never tells," I say, shrugging and "trying" to hide a smile. They try to pry me for more information but eventually move on after I don't say anything else. Don't want to turn this assumption into an actual lie. We all ride and chat for two hours before finally pulling up to the school; where we're greeted by a small crowd in the parking lot.

I guess news traveled fast about our win because they're all cheering and holding up posters and banners for our team. Even if it is only friends and family, my heart still swells from the out pour of love and praise. I know I shouldn't be getting so sappy over this; but when your looked down on by other sport teams and other volleyball teams at the championship for being a team of mostly omegas, it's nice to see the people who were rooting for you all along.

After coach gives us one last heart felt speech, we let out a team howl and race off the bus to join the crowd outside. It didn't take me long to sniff out where my mom and friends were waiting, with big smiles and tears in their eyes.

"Congratulation's pup, I knew you would kick ass," mom says, crashing me in a big hug. She might be shorter than me, but her hugs can definitely break boulders. Or my spine.

"Mrs. Matthews, I think he's turning blue," Milo says giggling.

"Oh, sorry pup! I'm just so proud of you and how far you've come," she says, finally letting me go. "I just wish that I could have been there to cheer you on. Honestly, I don't know why the Head Alpha put restrictions on out of pack traveling recently. Nobody is attacking us as far as I know. Raven would have told me if there was a threat."

"I don't think my mother would disclose information like that if the public shouldn't know," Atlantis says, chuckling. I feel bad that I can't tell mom about the attack, but there's no defying the Head Alpha's orders to keep it secret. Plus, she would totally freak out if she knew that I took on an army of rogues with only four other people to back me up.

"Well enough about that official pack stuff, congratulations Eli on your victory!" Beth says, handing me a bouquet of flowers.

"Congrats dude! Here's some big ice packs for all of the bruises you're probably going to have, and pain meds if those aren't enough," Milo says handing me the bag of goodies.

"I didn't know we were supposed to bring gifts, so I'll just pay for your lunch on Monday," Atlantis says.

"Well thank you all for being here and thank you for the gifts, even though you didn't have to give me anything," I say, giving them all hugs.

"So, I don't owe you lunch?" Atlantis says.

"No, I'm definitely taking advantage of the offer. You not off the hook now," I say, laughing when she tries to frown before going back to smiling.

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