Chapter Thirty-seven

Start from the beginning

The sickening feeling in my stomach started again.

    "You said we'll just talk for some minutes and I can leave!"

He chewed casually as if he hadn't even heard me.

"So what? You want to leave?"

My lip trembled, aching to say a loud yes.

Connor tutted, chucking the rest of the chips away.

"You forget I'm doing you a favor, woman. You're so selfish, you want things your way only. You asked for more time to make up your mind and I granted it on one condition right? Don't make it look like I'm the one asking for a favor."

   "I'm not asking for a favor either."I said in my normal voice, not able to hold it in any longer. "You are. Am I not right?"

He was taken aback but only for a sec.

"How so? I'm practically covering up for your sorry ass in case you forgot."

I raised my right brow (because it is the one I can raise properly without the left also drawing up).

"For a price Connor. Aren't you just doing it for sex? So you can satisfy your libido? Missing your hookups already so you decided to find a substitute? Me?—"

When I saw his hand raised,it was too late.

The sharp sting that struck me on the left cheek had my head reeling before the realization dawned on me.

He had slapped me.

Second time he laid his hand on me.📌

I turned my head slowly to look at him, not at all surprised that he didn't look remorseful.

"The next time you open that mouth of yours to spew shit at me. You better run."

The rage inside me was growing and the painful part was that there was nothing I could do. Just stare and kill him in my head.

A smirk was playing on his lips as he continued.

"Your mouth forces you into too much trouble,Sam. You know, I'm not asking for you to like me coz I already made it clear that you're not my type at all. So if you don't like me, just breathe in and out. There's nothing more you can do about it."

I rubbed my cheek unconsciously, feeling the sting of his hard slap.

I learnt dust was used to create us but maybe the dust got finished and God used steel for Connor?

At this point, any doubt I was feeling earlier had vanished completely.

Desperate times call for desperate measures– I needed to save my disguise, but I would never sleep with a violent person.

Someone who's got no respect for women and won't hesitate to hit them.

  "I may not be able to do anything to you like you're saying. But thanks for clearing the doubts I was having,"I shook my head, giving him a glare of mine.

"That's it for you Connor. Consider the chips my last thing I did for you. That fucking deal? I'm out."

Point made clear, I stood up, ready to leave.

To my horror, the guy suddenly burst out in maniacal laughter. That kind of laughter as if something was really really hilarious. It was scary.

Guys... he's kinda creeping me out...

Maybe he's on drugs?

I shivered inwardly, ready to make a quick dash out.

I mean, you never know what the next move of such persons could be.

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