"Out of the frying pan, "Thorin had mumbled with a shock of deliverance.

"And into the fire" Gandalf has finished his sentence. "Run", he ordered quietly. "Run" Gandalf had yelled before we all began to scurry as fast as we could do the mountain as far as we could go. The Wargs started getting closer and closer before one of them jumped right in front of us. It changed since his Uncle and was quickly stopped with his skull-piercing sword. We pursued a few more, but luckily, we were able to kill them, but we found a more terrifying beast.

"Go! Up into the trees!" Gandalf exclaimed, as the few of us began to climb high up into the wooden boulders. "All of us! Come on, climb!" he shouted as the more of us began getting higher and higher up into the trees. "Bilbo, climb!" Gandalf exclaimed. Uncle quickly grabbed a branch and hurried to get up before he was still reworking on the floor.

Before I could breathe, the branch on which I was standing broke in an instant, and my foot was out of balance. Only my hands hold me to the tree.

"Allisa" Kili called out before grabbing my other arm, helping me to the branch that he was on which was a sturdy thicker branch. I caught my breath after the small incident I had witnessed, my heart racing. I gripped onto Kili tighter trying not to fall form the tree.

"They're coming" Thorin screamed in terror, warning each of us as we watched the Warg below. I closed my eyes for a moment, hoping that something other than death would happen at such a terrible time. I hung on the tree with all my might, not letting go of a strong branch. Warg fell silent below us, his breathing was choppy, his heart pounding fast, his heart pounding with adrenaline. I looked at the formation of the pesky Orcs, and a Pale Orc with a White Wag appeared before us and spoke with a dark tongue.

"Hang on!" Dwalin shouted. "Hold on, brothers!" I grasped onto the tree as hard as I could, never letting go of the grip I had upon the sturdy branch. The Wargs were cradling underneath us, our breaths were uneven, our chest rising rapidly, our hearts were pounding with adrenaline. I looked up to where the nasty

Orcs had been coming in frim before a
Pale Orc with a White Warg stepped into our sight before our eyes, speaking with a dark language.

"Azog", Thorin muttered angrily, but I knew immediately who the Orc was. Together with Thorin's grandfather, he killed many innocent lives on the battlefield. "It cannot be" Thorin spoke in such disbelief, shaking his head in horror, looking to the man who had supposedly been dead all these years.

Then the Orc demanded something loud and clear just as all the wargs began running up to us all, jumping onto the trees. Our tree had begun falling to the left as we all exhaled shouts of horror before we each had jumped onto the tree to the right of us before it too began to fall. Then another, after another, and another before we then we were all finally placed upon the last faithful tree.

Just as we were right at the edge, Gandalf pulled a pinecone form the tree branch and had lit it on fire, throwing it at the Wargs; catching them off guard at their fur instantly attracted the sparks. Gandalf tossed himself through one at Fili before setting fire to another pinecone for the other dwarf. Before we all shouted victory, we threw everyone into the terrible ward. We raised our hands in excitement, and now we hoped to win against the orcs, but almost immediately the three started moving to the edge of the cliff.

"Mr Gandalf!" Dori called for a dangling branch helping the duck, but slowly began to swallow it from her hand. My eyes widened, my bow fought with fear, and my breathing became heavy as I grabbed the branch with all the strength that remained within me. Something moved in the corner of my eye. Don't be vigilant when you catch a glimpse of anything that catches my attention.

Thorin Oakenshield.

He clenched his sword in his hand and moved steadily toward The Pale Orc, embracing fury and fury. He began to increase his speed and, without resisting the enemy, raised his sword and aimed it at the target.

"Thorin!" I screamed in fear, knowing that Azog was about to pursue the pale orc almost immediately, before Azog had knocked Thorin to the ground. Then he slowly stood up again as I watched in horror as the Pale Orc took a dreadful weapon in his hand and struck him right in the face.

"No", Balin screamed in fear as my breath caught in my chest, fear rose in my heart, and the pain I felt before my eyes broke my soul. He could not defeat such an enemy in order to gain more power on the side of his traitor. I knew Thorin couldn't make it by himself.

"Thorin", I shouted in pain once more knowing I had to do something, I knew I couldn't stand back and watch this sacred battle take place of an innocent life. I had then noticed Bilbo standing up to his feet alongside my figure as the warg lifted Thorin from the ground by it's disturbing jaw with full force as Thorin yelled through agony and pain.

I couldn't stand watching him suffer, I couldn't stand it seeing such a man being tossed around as if he was just nothing but a dog rag doll. Without my mind controlling my body, I instantly stood up firmly my body taking over my thoughts and myself, but I knew in my mind I couldn't let Azog defeat Thorin so easily. The warg threw Thorin to the side, jerking him rapidly before he fell directly onot his back, hitting the hard ground beneath him.

"Thorin! No!", Dwalin screamed and tried to get up, but the branch broke and luckily, he stayed. I started going down the tree and when Bilbo pulled out his sword and started running, I did the same. I boldly raised my sword, and one of the Orcs raised the sword over Thorin's head and prepared to behead him, but the fearsome Orc ran faster, faster, and harder before doing anything else. Bilbo leaped over the orc with the sword in his hand, and when I saw Thorin, his eyes were closed, as if stunned in pain. Bilbo quickly killed the Orc before he got up.

We stood in front of Thorin. I will make sure nothing happens to Thorin. Nothing will happen to My King. Three orcs and their wag were ready to kill him, and Kili jumped down along with his brother Fili. They started fighting before Fili threw a knife at me, I caught it without hesitation. The rest of the Dwarves ran out and started slaughtering the creatures with us.

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