Chapter 3: It's not me, it's you

Start from the beginning

"Oh god!" I slapped my forehead "She was in a meeting at the company yesterday! She works as an assistant!"

"Why do I have a feeling the assistant part is bothering you?"

"It is. She's a lawyer, why would she work as an assistant?"

"I don't know. Did you ask?"

I told Jason everything about my encounter with Katrina, which wasn't much, to be honest. He gave me the thumbs up for managing to take her number but he bluntly told me to not get my hopes up. And who was I kidding? He was right she probably only gave me her number because I said we needed a lawyer, another issue I have to address in case she comes in for a job. Hiring a new lawyer was not in my jurisdiction, not without Adam's approval anyway which he wouldn't give since we already had an amazing legal team. Way to go Mason! I thought to myself as we made our way to the coffee shop.

Grabbing our coffees, we made our way to my car in a hurry. I had to drop him off at his place before going to mine and getting ready for work. I had to start on William's project today and at least send him primary drafts by the end of the day.

"Say hi to Tara for me,"

"Sure. She hates you, you know." He stated while getting out of the car.

"She doesn't, she's glad I give her a break from you every once in a while" I smirked and drove off before he could add anything.

When Tara sent me that text to go and see for myself I got angry at first but then got curious and went to the address she sent me. After that night, everything changed. So did my relationship with Tara. I wouldn't say it was back to normal and we were best friends again, but it was safe to say she forgave me and we were taking baby steps. I would forever be grateful to her for not giving up on me and making me see the ugly truth even when my heart was refusing to.

Thankfully, it didn't take me long to get home and ready for work, I needed to be there before Adam just to show him how serious I was about this job.

"Good morning Elsa" I greeted her as she followed me into my office to give me the plan for the day.

"Good morning Mr. Walton. You're so early, do we have a meeting that I..."

"No, no we don't. Tell me, is Adam here yet?"

"No, Mr. Yilmaz hasn't come yet."

"Great!" I grinned "Now, here is the list of the employees that will work with me on the Williams project, architects, landscapers, designers, they are all here. I need you to email them the case file and tell them to meet me in conference room 3 at 10:00. They'll have time to prepare and we can discuss everything during the meeting."

"Alright, Mr. Walton. I'll bring your coffee right away."

I watched her go and fired up my computer to start on the first draft. The day went in a blur, it was so busy that I didn't have time to think about anything else but James Williams's project. It was a welcome distraction from my Instagram's beeping every once in a while during the day notifying me of Celine's posting. I knew it wasn't healthy to keep tabs on her and all but I was still curious about what she was doing, where, and with whom. I walked out of my office and went to the conference room where the team stayed gathered so they could all work together and smiled proudly when I saw them still working like bees.

Just as I was about to head back to my office I saw Adam smirking at me before stepping into the elevator. I chuckled knowingly, he got to go home when I had to stay back and work my ass off. but I didn't mind that. It's not like I have someone waiting for me anyway...

"Here is everything we have as a first draft sir, including your work." Dahlia, the woman they assigned as their team leader handed me the USB flash. It was already late and everyone left the building except the team and me.

"Thank you, Dahlia, I'll send it right away. Good job today, I'm proud of you all and hope you all keep up the good work."

Once she walked out, I plugged the drive to make sure everything was good to go and sent it by email to Mr. Williams. I grabbed the phone to call Elsa but changed my mind and took out my phone to look through my contacts only stopping when I saw her name wanting nothing but to hear her soft voice. Katrina Johnson...

I let out a frustrated sigh. I wanted to contact her directly but something just kept stopping me. She always ran from me, and she certainly would run now. I didn't want to make things awkward more than they already are when we are supposed to work together for at least four to six months.

With a groan, I called Elsa and instructed her to contact Mr.Williams' assistant and tell her the draft was sent.

-Hey man, wanna go out tonight?- Jason's voice blared through my car's speakers as I pulled out of the parking lot.

-Where are you guys going?-

- Clubbing, the whole gang is going-

- Adam and Helena are going too?- I asked surprised

-No playboy, they're not. They couldn't get the sitter.- he paused –But Serena and Kerem, Johnny D and Kayra are going, come on playboy, it will be fun!-

I looked at the time and it was almost seven, dinner time at Helena's.

-I don't know Jace, I'm not really in the mood. I'll pass, maybe another time, I have to be at work really early tomorrow anyway.-

-I can't believe this! Oh, I'd love to see Adam's face when I tell him you of all people 'passed' a chance to get laid. Seriously man what's gotten into you?-

I sighed heavily –look I'll call you tomorrow, I'm driving-

-Fine grumpy- he hung up before I could say anything back.

I took a turn right going out of the city and driving toward Adam's house. The kids should be still awake and I could use some chilling time with them. Thankfully, it didn't take long to reach their house, I might even find them still having dinner. I parked my car on my spot and opened the trunk where I had a few gifts for the kids. Elsa helped with the special gift stash that I used every two weeks. Helena hated it, saying I was spoiling them, but I loved seeing the smile on their faces. I locked the car after grabbing 3 gifts and made my way to the door unlocking it using my own key.

"Hey, guys! Santa's here." I heard Adam and Helena groan just before hearing hurried footsteps coming my way.

"Uncle Mase!" the twins hugged my legs and started jumping up and down like little monkeys trying to reach the toys.

"What did you get us this time?" Ryan asked excitedly still jumping.

"Stop jumping Ryan, you just ate!" Helena's stern voice made them both freeze and I glared at her. They are having fun let them be! I gave the boys their toys and they ran to the living room to unwrap them.

Emily came out with Adam with the most adorable smile "Hello Uncle Mason."

"Well hello there angel" I smiled gave her a bear hug "How's my princess doing today?"

"I'm great, I just came back from soccer practice and Coach Hillary says hi." She said innocently.

Adam rolled his eyes "Go wash your hands Emily and you can start with homework in a half an hour."

Emily nodded took her present and pecked my cheek before going upstairs. I turned my attention to two very angry-looking parents glaring at me.

"Nothing happened with her Coach! I only saw her once when you asked me to pick Emily up!"

"Not that I believe you, but come on, we're still having dinner. You're hungry?"

"Very" I smiled at her and followed them to the kitchen.

Just as I was about to start eating, my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I took it and stared at the screen.

Katrina Johnson...

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