The bastard harshly turns my fingers upwards, generating two audible cracks and breaking them. Gritting my teeth in pain and seething rage, I throw my head back and stare at the ceiling upwards. I dare to not let out a single shout, since I can't show any sign of breaking here.

With how much agony I'm in, I start salivating heavily and harshly grip the chain with my left hand.

Me: "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I'll fucking pulverize your skull!"

Kenny: "I'll look forward to seeing you try. But if you fail, I'll cut two of your fingers off."

He removes his hand from my bent fingers, as I'm left in pure pain. Though, after a few seconds, I manage to calm myself down and decide not to fuck with this guy. He clearly means business now.

Me: "I-I don't know what you mean..........What sort of troubles did the expeditions ever cause you people!?!?"

Kenny: "Expeditions? Man, you're really trying to convince yourself that you're a scout, huh? Well, let me jog your memory a bit, you Sparrow."

Kenny turns and walks back to the chair, before seating himself upon it.

Kenny: "Classified files regarding First Interior Squad officers stolen. Two high ranking officials of the government were murdered. One of them was hung at the entrance of the Capital's barracks. The other guy was burned alive in front of his wife and children. Though, I'm really impressed by the balls you had to do that second one."

What the actual fuck is he talking about? Should I-Wait......Now that I think about it, maybe he can reveal something important. I should just keep listening.

Kenny: "Lastly, you killed two of the four torturers that we sent to deal with that ol' pastor. In doing these acts, you've built up quite the reputation for yourself. So much so, that the higher ups are pissin' their pants, thinking that the king may be next. Although, it does confuse me why someone like you would do some of these. Aren't you a Scout? Isn't the Survey Corps supposed to defend humanity?"

Me: "Eren is the future of Mankind! We're doing exactly what we promised the people by defending him!"

Kenny: "Eh, it don't matter anymore. He's in our hands now, and pretty soon, we'll get what we need out of ya. Though, I can't believe that you've managed to bed someone like Levi. She must've really forgot about everything I taught her if she chose you."

Me: "What the hell is that supposed to mean? We aren't together."

Kenny: "Oh, you aren't? Good! I mean, look at yourself and then look at her! Whilst you got captured right off the bat, she managed to kill a few of my guys AND survive! I even asked her about you and she didn't give me a response. You two have a very interesting relationship and one that pisses me off."

Before I can answer him, I hear the door to the room opening and what I presume to be a soldier stepping inside. This time, it's a woman with blond hair, styled in a ponytail, and she's wearing a sky blue uniform shirt.

????: "Captain, new orders. We've been asked to take care of Dimo Reeves and his son."

Kenny: "Hear that? Looks like that merchant decided to sell us out to your friends in the Survey Corps. What an imbecile......"

He gets out of his chair but instead of walking towards the door, he starts to approach me, with an intrigued look on his face.

Kenny: "I'll talk to you more when I get back, so try not to die during the torture or give everything up at once. You got that?"

He equips one of his guns in his right hand before slamming the handle against my head, causing everything around me to start spinning and lose focus.

Shit.........Not again......

Devil's Adherent (Female!Levi X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now