Chapter 15

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To zee story!!!

"Oi Eren, Im not afraid of you, do whatever you want, Im not afraid." Levi got up covered his nose and went to the bathroom to wash off the blood.

~Mikasa's POV~
("I can't believe that just happened. I mean I know Eren is short tempered but I've never seen him like this.") "E..Eren? Are you ok?" Eren was breathing really hard and his face was red. "Im...Im fine." "Do you want to talk about it?" Suddenly Eren turned around with tears streaming down his face. "Mikasa! I really, really love you! And if I see another boy touch, kiss or even try to convince you to do something that you don't want to do then I will be there to protect you always." I began to tear up. I rushed over to Eren and hugged him. I just hugged him and hugged him and didn't stop hugging. Then whispered:"Thanks Eren."

~Time skip~

~Levi's POV~
I woke up this morning to a throbbing pain. nose. That thot Eren. I just want to punch him back so hard. I want to take Mikasa back. Oi. I just thought of a plan.

~Mikasa's POV~
I was walking down to breakfast when.... "Hey Mikasa, said Jean, I want to ask you something, will you come with me?" "Sure! Where?" "Just follow me ok." Eren walked in and immediately started eyeing Jean. "Hmm? Oh, its ok Eren he's not going to do anything bad. Trust me, I will yell out your name if im in trouble ok? Just listen out for me." "Whats up with Eren?" "Oh nothing, it's just that if a boy tries to do something to me that I don't want to do, he'll beat them up for me cause he loves me." I said with a giggle. Jean tenses up a bit. "Oh wait never mind I forgot what I was going to tell you maybe next time." "Ok, bye Jean!" "B...bye."

~Jean's POV~
*Huff, huff* "Levi!! Levi!!" I burst into the office to find Levi looking at pictures of Mikasa. "Oi brat quit yelling, you're giving me a headache." "Sorry, but Mikasa said that if any boy tries to make her do something that she doesn't want to do, Eren will beat them up." "So technically you just ran away from that wimp Eren?" " sir I ran from Mikasa. But now that you think about it Eren was in the room sooo..." "So you ran from Eren. Unacceptable." "Im sorry Heichou." "Yeah and you're gonna pay. 50 laps now. And no food or water until you have finished. I will do this job myself." "Yes sir." *sigh* So I went to start running my first lap. This sucks.

~Levi's POV~
I went to find Mikasa in the cafeteria. I found her, but she's with Eren, it'll be fine. "Hey Mikasa, I have some important information I have to give you in my office about the next mission." "Ok when should I come by?" "After your meal is fine. I'll be waiting."

~Time Skip~

~Levi's POV~
*Knock Knock* "Come in!" "Im here sir." "Good, umm..take a seat. Now it may seem ramdom but please close your eyes." When she closed her eyes I started to tie rope around her wrists and ankles to the chair. "Captain what are you doing?" "Oh, just an experiment. Shouldn't take long I hope." After I finished they knots I smashed my lips into hers and already began to umdress her. Mikasa pulls away abruptly. "No Levi! I won't let you!" "Oh but I love you Mikasa. Your beautiful skin, and your sparkling eyes, its irresistible. I began to kiss her again when she pulled away and cried out Eren's name. "Eren!! Eren!! Help me!!" "He's not coming for you he probably can't hear yo..." "Im here Mika! And you Levi, if you don't take your filthy hands off of Mikasa so help me." "What are you going to do? Punch me in the nose again?" "I just might!"

~Eren's POV~
I was furious when I saw Levi with Mikasa tied up to a chair. I was seeing red. "Levi get off of Mikasa right now!" "Eren Im your commander you can't tell me what to do." "RRRRAAAGGGG!!!" I charged at Levi with my fist in the air, but Levi blocked it and stood in front of Mikasa. "Eren help!" yelled Mikasa from behind Levi. "Don't worry Mika I'll do the best I can!" "So what are you gonna do now? Just try and punch me again and see what happens." Levi said with a smirk. "I'll wipe that damn smirk right off your face." Then Eren dropped kicked Levi and Levi fell to the ground. "Eren! You did it!" But as soon as Mikasa said that... POW!!! Levi punched Eren right in the side of his head and Eren fell to the ground with a loud thud. Levi then dragged Eren and propped him up on the wall and kicked him in thw stomach. Eren spit out blood and chocked a little. "Oi Eren you have lost this battle, try again some other time." Then Levi dragged Eren out of the room and shut the door and locked it.

~Eren's POV~
Pain. Not just the pain from my body but the pain of losing Mikasa. Again. Im really dizzy and I feel sick. "*Gasp!* Eren are you ok?!" "Its me! Krista! You look like you need help!" "I..I think Im ok." "No no I'll take you to your room and get some medicine to help you heal!"

~Mikasa's POV~
"Wh...What are you going to do to me?" said Mikasa, tears racing down her cheeks. "Hmm, said Levi, I don't really know yet. You'll just have to find out." said Levi with a smirk.

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