Chapter 4:Accepted

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~Mikasa's POV~
("Oh, i hope he says yes") Levi starts to walk over to me, oh my goodness im so nervous. "Mikasa i think i will recruit you, but under one condition, respect your squad leaders and don't screw up." *sighs loudly* "That was a load off my chest." "Yeah, well, im glad your part of the tea...." *CRASH!!!!!!!!* "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Yells Eren. "Looks like a Titan!!!" says Armin.

"Everyone gather your squad members and grab your 3DMG!!! The wall has been breached and more Titans are coming in, hurry!!!!!!! Everyone and racing to get their gear, some people are freaking out cause they don't want to die, and instead of following Commander Erwin's orders they try to run home to check on their families. "Mikasa hurry!!!" says Eren getting to shoot him self into the air.

I grab my 3DMG and join Eren at the roof of a house. "Ok, so whats the plan?" I say. "Umm..i guess we should split up into teams of two." says Eren. "Ok i want you to be my partner." i say quickly. "Ok." says Eren with small smile curling the end of his lips. "Come on there is no time to talk there are Titans everywhere and we need to fight!!!" says Connie. Everyone shoots into the air with there partners beside them. "Hey!!there's a Titan over there im gonna kill it!" i say. "Be careful and don't...don't get killed!!says Eren. Mikasa swings over to the Titan and tries to hit it's neck but misses and the Titan grabs Mikasa's string from her 3DMG and she shoots toward the ground. Eren sees her and goes to try and save her.Mikasa hits the ground hard and the wind gets knocked out of her. Eren sees her on the ground and panics. ("Please don't be dead, please don't be dead, please don't be dead.") "Mikasa, Mikasa are you awake, Mikasa!" *Tries to do CPR by pushing on her chest* *Starts to cry* Mikasa opens her eyes slowly and sees that Eren is trying to help her.She sits up quickly and kisses Eren. Eren is stunned and he pulls away and blushes and so does Mikasa. "Umm..we should get back."

~Eren's POV~

Mikasa kisses me but i couldn't kiss back i didn't know what to do, i was just happy that she was ok.

(A/N:Hey guys sorry if you guys thought this chapter was short but thanks anyway for reading will try to update soon. Peace✌)

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