Chapter 8

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Wall Maria has been breached.Will the Survey Corps. have to move all the citizens to wall Rose?

~Levi's POV~
("If those brats don't hurry up they're gonna be Titan food.") I landed on the ground so I could the people what to do if we had to evacuate and go to the next wall. "All right listen up brats! Of course move away from the hole in the wall and move to the gate of wall Rose!" "Captain Levi! Yelled Marco. There is an Armored Titan in the walls, we have to retreat to wall Rose!"

~Mikasa's POV~
("Oh no there is an Armored Titan in the village, we must retreat to wall Rose! We can't patch the wall in time before more Titans come in! I must warn Eren!") Quickly, I swung down to Eren and told him about the Armored Titan. "Ok, said Eren, we need to evacuate all the people to wall Rose ASAP!!!!" "Ok, lets go get Armin and Connie!" i said as i threw myself into the air and swinging on a building to get to the wall. "Armin!" "Mikasa!Whats going on!?" "An Armored Titan has broken through the wall! We need you and Connie to help me and Eren evacuate everyone." "Ok I'll get Connie and I'll meet you and Eren at the gate." "Ok, hurry!" I landed at the gate and started to help people get through the gate. "Lets go! Lets go! Guys pick up the pace! Try not to bring any items with you because we need as much room as possible for people on the boat!" Everyone was panicking so it was hard to tell them what to do. I needed help and as if in cue... "Eren, Armin, and Connie, you're finally here, help people through the gate and i will kill any Titans that can get near the gate." Just as i was about to leave Eren grabbed my arm and held in tightly. I tried to pull away but he was just too strong. "I...I can't let you go by yourself. Let me go with you." "Ok, Connie and Armin, continue what you are doing, me and Eren will gi fight Titans that get close to the gate." "Ok." they said in unison. And we took off.

~Ewrin's POV~
("This is really bad, I hope we have enough space for everyone, I hope my soilders are ok.") I walked over to where a map was sitting on a desk with markings on it. I drew them when we had the meeting, or at least part of it. It was a battle plan for a time like this but it wasn't ready so I can't use it yet. I hope Mikasa and Eren are ok.

~Third Person POV~
Eren and Mikasa flew through the air and landed on a rooftop. "Oh, there is a Titan over there I'm gonna kill it, stay here." said Eren. "Ok." said Mikasa as she sat down on the roof. ("Wow, Eren can be a hero, i mean look at him, he's strong, fast, good looking, and he's all mine, sigh i wanna kiss him right about now but he's busy maybe later when there is less people around.") "Hey good news, said Eren as he landed on the roof, all the citizens have been moved to wall Rose." "Good, we should go tell Levi." Eren and Mikasa found Levi and told him the news. "Ok, said Levi, they are closing the gate now so you brats go ahead and get through before they close it. We will have a meeting later with everyone when we get settled in the new wall." *Salute* "Yes sir!" said Eren and Mikasa in unison.

~Armin's POV~
("Oh man, i hope Eren and Mikasa are ok. Did they get.....eaten.........NO NO!!! They didn't get eaten because with Mikasa's skills and Eren's strength there is no way they could possibly be defeated.") "Hey Armin wanna go get lunch with me and Mikasa?" "Hm, Eren Mikasa!!! *Jumps up and hugs them both* "I'm so happy that you're alive!!" "Woah, Armin why wouldn't we be alive? We only killed a few Titans and helped some citizens get through the gate thats all." said Mikasa. "Well anyway sure I would like to get lunch with you guys."

(A/N:Sorry if I ended in a bad spot for yall but I have homework soo yeah, will write ✏soon hope you enjoyed this chapter please let me know in the comments if you like this story or not and tell me whats wrong if you don't like will follow if whoever comments and will read your stories and comment on them and feel free to suggest anything for this story or suggest ideas for another story and i will put your names at the beginning of a chapter to show that you guys helped out. BAIII!!!)

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