Chapter 5:

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(A/N:Hey sorry i didn't update in a long time i kinda ran out of ideas but i am updating now so here you go hope you like✌)

~Mikasa's POV~
*GASP* "Hey guys!!!Mikasa is awake!!!" yells Eren. "S..stop yelling your giving me a headache." i mutter but Eren wasn't paying attention he was too exited.Everyone rushed in at once wanting to see me."Hey Mikasa, how are you feeling?" says Armin "What happened to you?" asks Jean Everyone was asking 100 questions at once but i was too groggy to answer any of them, i just wanted to be with Eren at the moment."Uhh, Eren?Can i talk to you for a sec?" i ask. "Sure, what is it?" "Umm, i mean in private." "Ok. Excuse me everybody but all of you are gonna have to leave, Mikasa only wants to talk to me.Sorry." Everyone groans and starts to file out.Jean looks jealous. "What do you want to talk about?" "Uhh well first thanks for saving me back there and.." "Stop, says Eren, i already know what your going to say,and i do like you, no, i love you Mikasa and even though i don't know you for THAT long but there is something about you that i love its like a mystery or something different about you that everyone else doesn't have."After Eren's little speech they notice that they were holding hands the whole time.They both blushed and suddenly Mikasa feels a whole lot better.

~Jean's POV~
(A/N:Lol just trying to add Jean in the storyline) ("Man i can't believe i let Eren make me leave Mikasa's room i could have fought back, for Mikasa that is, i love her,maybe i should ask her out, i don't know".) "Hey Jean are you ok whats going on?"asks Connie. "What?!Oh, uh, nothing its just that i really like Mikasa but i don't have the courage to ask her out, do you think you cou...." "OOHH CAN I PLEASE ASK OUT MIKASA FOR YOU??!!"yells Christa. "SHHH i don't want everyone in the building to know that i like her." *Pouts* "Sorry." "But, says Jean, i will let you ask her out for me." "OH REALLY THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, ME AND MIKASA ARE LIKE BEST FRIEN...." *Jean covers Krista's mouth* "SHUT THE HELL UP!" says Jean.

~Time Skip~

Mikasa is sitting on her couch watching tv when she hears a knock on her door.

~Mikasa's POV~

"Come in!!Its unlocked!!" "Hey Mikasa *Giggles* can i ask you something?"
"Sure what is it?" "Will you go out with Jean?" I froze, ("Jean asked ME out?Wow i thought Eren would be the first to ask me, but sorry Jean your out of luck cause i say no") "Uhh..sorry but you'll have to tell Jean that i said no." "Aww, said Krista sounding disappointed, why?" "Cause i love Eren." (Uh oh did i just say that out loud?") "What, love Eren...Eren Jaeger??" "Uhh yeah." i say as i start to blush. "*Gasp* can i ask him out for you?" Krista says very slowly in a stalkerish, creepy way. "Umm..well i..." "OK!!!" Krista bolts out the room down the hall to find Eren. "WAIT, i yell, YOU DIDN'T LET ME FINISH!!" but it was no use, she was gone before you knew it.

MikasaXErenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon